MatheusrdSantos / vue-quick-chat

A simple chat component created with Vue.js
MIT License
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Proposal: Make scrolling work and keep chatbox fixed irrespective of scroll position #44

Closed Mnshah219 closed 3 years ago

Mnshah219 commented 3 years ago

Hello, Currently when we use this component the inner scroll does not work, when we scroll, the scrollbar of main windows is the one that is getting scrolled, so it would be nice if innerscroll could made to work or remove it from ui altogether, also scrollBottom:{messageSent:true} only makes sense if we could type in message irrespective of scroll position


jhonveramendi commented 3 years ago

Hi, div style="height: 500px;" class="w-full"> <Chat :participants="particip... /div> I solved it like this...

it's a shame not to have answered you before

Mnshah219 commented 3 years ago

Is the css for class w-full declared in component?

MatheusrdSantos commented 3 years ago

Hi, @Mnshah219! Sorry for my late response. I didn't get notified by GitHub. To enable the inner scroll you should set a max-height or fixed height to the chat parent element.

reBiocoder commented 1 year ago

thx,this is good job!