MathewSachin / Captura

Capture Screen, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes
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How does Captura/FFMpeg handle long recording sessions #518

Open ericjang opened 4 years ago

ericjang commented 4 years ago

FFMpegVideoWriter default settings does not seem to guarantee that encoding is "-tune ultrafast", so it's quite possible that the user is sending frames to the named output pipe faster than FFMpeg can generate encoded frames. I could see a How does Captura/FFMpeg handle this, in general? Does FFMpeg simply drop inputs if there are too much input data in its buffer?

(I'm in the process of investigating the crashes in, it's probably not related but just double checking to make sure)

MathewSachin commented 4 years ago

Hmm... I don't think the Recreate Target error should be related to FFmpeg. Does that error not happen if you use the MF (Media Foundation) encoder?

Well, for how FFmpegVideoWriter works: Earlier Captura used to throw all the frames into the pipe as soon as they were available. But, in the current version of the code and the latest pre-release version (v9.0.0-beta4), Captura drops frames if earlier frames are not written yet. Still, at least 5 frames are sent into the pipe at a time.

Also, AFAIK, the option should be -preset ultrafast and is a parameter for the H.264 encoder only.