MathiSans / capstone_mood-tracker
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User Story: ask for mood before and after every tool #82

Open janphilipp-winkler opened 1 month ago

janphilipp-winkler commented 1 month ago

Value Proposition:  As a user  I want to enter my current mood in a very easy way before and after using an activity (tool)  so that I have a feeling how my mood changes when I use an activity (tool).


similiar to the "enter a mood" flow, before every acitivity (tool) there is a simple question, a slider and a button that brings me to the tool. In the tool there is another button which ends the tool and brings me to another page with another question, a slider and a button, which brings me to a final "results" page, that compares the two mood entries and gives me a result.

Acceptance Criteria:
