MathiasGruber / SRGAN-Keras

Implementation of SRGAN in Keras. Try at:
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What are training images/validation images? #2

Open Ianmcmill opened 5 years ago

Ianmcmill commented 5 years ago

For training a SRGAN HR (high res) and LR (low res) images are needed. In your code you write training images and validation images. Do training images correspond to LR and validation images correspond to HR? Then what do test images correspond to?

Ianmcmill commented 5 years ago

I think I understood this. Training images are the images you train on. obviously. This dataset consists of HR respectivly gaussian downsampled images (LR). Validation images are images of the same class/type as the training images. But those images were not shown to the GAN. Those images are not shown to the GAN during training, so that the GAN is able to generalize better. Validation images consist just like Training images of HR and downsampled LR images. Test images are images with a native resolution that corresponds to the LR resolution of the trained images and an accuracy is calculated, measuring the quality of the metrics.

Did I get this correct?

Arkariian commented 5 years ago


do you solve it?

i don't know how to train your model