MathiasGruber / TheNinjaRPG

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Clans/Factions #90

Open theeneon opened 2 months ago

theeneon commented 2 months ago


Clans have never played a big part in TNR, while in Naruto bloodlines are tied to clans, and clans are tied to villages I want to preserve the latter while allowing bloodlines to be more liberal.

To create a Clan must be Chunin, and must complete a special quest that will give them the option to create a clan if they complete it.

Clans hold up to 50 players

Players will be able to change clans at will.

Clan Leaders and Co-Leader(Max 4) can be challenged for their position They can only be challenged twice per day.

Clan leaders/Co-Leaders are automatically removed after 7 days of inactivity

When you leave your village you leave your clan

When players click on Clan Hall they will be able to see: Notice Board Clan Stat(Shows current bonus, current clan points, total clan points ever, member count) Clan Members Clan leaders and elders

Clan Members: Clan members will have a prestige section it, which will highlight players that contribute the most Clan points to become a leader and elder you need a minimum amount of clan points

Clan Bank: Clan leader can exchange 1 clan point for 5000 Ryo and deposit it into the bank.

Clan members can also deposit it into the bank.

Tournaments: The clan leader and their elders can host a bracket-style tournament for members using the Tournament system, the prize pool is taken directly from the clan bank, and the clan leader/co-leader can designate how much Ryo for first through to 5th.

Clan Leader:

  • Promote Co-Leader
  • Kick Member
  • Edit Notice board
  • Can purchase training boost( 5%,10% 15%) Last for a week
  • Can purchase Ryo Boost ( 5%,10% 15%) Last for a week

Clan Battles These are 5v5 MPVP Between two clans, the clan leader can initiate this battle and they have to invite the 5 users that they would like to fight and then submit it to the clan they would like to fight. Once that clan accepts the invite they would also be prompted to invite the users they want to fight with.

Factions: These are very similar to clans but are the outlaw version of the system and are granted the same benefits and then some

Faction leaders though get an added benefit where they can accept/decline war invitations. Villages can pay Factions to join wars on their side. Factions can also declare war on a village Factions can broker alliances with other villages Factions can hold up to 50