MathieuLoutre / grunt-aws-s3

Grunt plugin to interact with AWS S3 using the AWS SDK
MIT License
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'params' apparently ignored with 'copy' #100

Open xsurfing opened 8 years ago

xsurfing commented 8 years ago

Scenario: Upload and copy files w/ specific file permission. Example: {code} aws_s3: { options: { bucket: 'foo', access: null, accessKeyId : process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, region: process.env.AWS_DEFAULTREGION, uploadConcurrency:30, downloadConcurrency:10, copyConcurrency:60, differential:true, progress: 'dots', params : { 'GrantFullControl':'id=WhateverIDYouHave' } }, dev: { files: [ { 'action': 'upload', expand:true, cwd:'webroot/dist', src: ['*/.txt'], dest: 'viewer<%= svninfo.rev %>/' }, {'action':'copy', src:'viewer_<%= svninfo.rev %>/', dest:'viewer_latest/'} ] }, {code}

This results in files/folders "viewer_xxx" to have correct permissions, the copied version "viewer_latest" only having defaults.

MathieuLoutre commented 8 years ago

Hi there! You seem to be right, currently params is ignored during the copy: This should be a fairly simple PR if you'd like to try your hand at it, otherwise I'll have to look into it when I get the time.