Mathijs-Bakker / Extenject

Dependency Injection Framework for Unity Game Engine
MIT License
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I am going to stop. #73

Open Mathijs-Bakker opened 1 year ago

Mathijs-Bakker commented 1 year ago

Hi good people,

Ok, after many years of supporting Zenject I am going to stop. It has been fun, learned a lot, but I just can't get myself to it to contribute and maintain it anymore.

I am not using Unity in any professional or personal sense anymore. And C# has become a pain to my eyes. I have contributed to the community for years in any way I could. But it has to end somewhere. And that is now.

I can do two things:

  1. Merge this Extenject repo upstream into Modestree's Zenject repo (still have rights there). And archive this one. Or:
  2. When someone is seriously interested to prolong this project... I can transfer this repo.

I will wait a month or so, before I will execute option 1.

I am sorry and I apology if I let anyone down...

Yours sincerely, Mathijs

doctorseus commented 1 year ago

Well, all good things come to an end. Thanks for helping with this for such a long time!

I came to Extenject/Zenject a few years ago as I am currently using it heavily in a larger project (which I work on in my free-time). And I plan to use it in the future too as I think this is rather essential for proper development in Unity C#.

I think this framework could be so much more popular but the issues around the naming and the company itself made it hard to get any traction in the past years.

On that note, I believe merging it back will just kill it in it's entirety given there is no support ever going to happen. It will make it hard or impossible to merge back any fixes or updates.

I hoped that with UniDi (never looked at it's code I have to admit) we might get a good new name, de-couple from the old stuff and continue in a brighter future. Godot is working on C# support and I thought there might also some symbiosis be possible across these two engines. Not sure if that makes sense?

In any case. I don't have the bandwidth to take care of this alone, I am mostly a user of the project with some bug fixes here and there. But I am interested in it to continue. A possibility might be to transfer it into a organization and coordinate maybe a collective to govern it. Possibly organize using Discord (move support chat there too). Should make it a bit easier I hope. And I would also be ready to take up a role there.

I don't know what others here think, are there even any users who use this in some professional capacity and are interested in at least keeping it in maintenance mode? Or what are your alternatives? :-)

Exanite commented 1 year ago

Thanks for letting us know and for maintaining the repo for the past few years!

I agree with a lot of what doctorseus has said above and do not believe that merging Extenject back to ModestTree is a good idea.

I've been using UniDi and contributing a small amount, but I don't have the time to maintain either of the repos. However, if there is a group that is created to maintain Extenject/UniDi, I am interested in helping out.

KurbanismailovZaur commented 1 year ago

@Mathijs-Bakker I will gladly accept this repository from you and continue to develop it. I have a lot of experience with Extenject and I am ready to continue the common cause.

KurbanismailovZaur commented 1 year ago

Give it to me bro. I want continue this repo 💪

lostlont commented 1 year ago

Less than a year ago we started to use Extenject in our company to try DI in Unity projects to make our lives easier. It really helped us especially on the long run as it made development easier. It's sad to see this project reaching an end, especially that there's no better alternative package as far as I know, and the game development community could really benefit from it. Thank you for providing this package throughout the years!

MatthieuG9 commented 1 year ago

Agree with @doctorseus Extenject is really helpful ! I hope the community will continue to maintain it.

lordmortis commented 1 year ago

Thank you for creating this package and maintaining it for as long as you have! (I've been using it for 3-ish years now)

Where did y'all end up on where this is getting merged into (if anywhere)? For those of us still using Unity and liking DI, this remains the framework to use!

artiku commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your effort. Extenject is a very powerful and helpful tool.

I would venture to suggest that the same fate will befall the successor, UniDI? I hope that the brightest representatives of the community will not let it fade away.

gngriffiths commented 1 year ago

Just wanted to say a big thank you to @Mathijs-Bakker. This tool has been immensely useful, so glad that you carried on development all this time!

MHanafy commented 1 year ago

I'm late to the party, just came across Zenject a few weeks back while searching for a proper way to DI in Unity. @Mathijs-Bakker Thank you very much for keeping the project alive, and making our lives easier. I'd love to support, although not in a full time capacity, and I'm sure many others would love to take a part. The project is in a great shape with tonnes of features already, I'd imagine it won't need a massive roadmap, and can be in a keeping-the-lights state until someone is keen to carry the troche.

danieldownes commented 1 year ago

Big thanks for the work @Mathijs-Bakker. Very need to keep using Extenject or Zenject in future Unity projects.

Did you make a call option 1 or 2 yet?

xEcEz commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Mathijs-Bakker. I've just started learning and using this framework, and was considering using it in a bigger project. Would that be ill advised given the fact I may not be maintained anymore? If so, what would be the alternative?

Mathijs-Bakker commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Mathijs-Bakker. I've just started learning and using this framework, and was considering using it in a bigger project. Would that be ill advised given the fact I may not be maintained anymore? If so, what would be the alternative?

Not sure about alternatives but you still can use Extenject. As it is still a complete DI-container for Unity. The only drawback could be to find support from the community. I really don't know if the channels are active at the moment. However the documentation is quite comprehensive. And when you are familiar with SOLID and DI frameworks in particular this is pretty straightforward.

I'm not working with Unity anymore so that's the reason why I stopped maintaining this project.

Happy coding And have fun creating your awesome game!

Extrys commented 7 months ago

well i may still contributing with what i can, the only problem now is that we need someone who has a string understanding of this repo for continue accepting pull request and issues