Right now it's a lot of setup to just spawn a prefab.
The class looks like this:
public class Before : MonoBehaviour, IPoolable<IMemoryPool>, IDisposable
private IMemoryPool _pool;
public void OnDespawned()
_pool = null;
public void OnSpawned(IMemoryPool p1)
_pool = p1;
public void Dispose()
public class Factory : PlaceholderFactory<Before>
{ }
public class Pool : MonoPoolableMemoryPool<IMemoryPool, Before>
{ }
public class AfterInstaller : MonoInstaller
public After prefab;
public override void InstallBindings()
c => c.WithInitialSize(5)
public class After : PoolableMonoBehaviour<After>
and the binding looks like this
public class BeforeInstaller : MonoInstaller
public Before prefab;
public override void InstallBindings()
Container.BindFactory<Before, Before.Factory>()
.FromPoolableMemoryPool<Before, Before.Pool>(pool => pool
I wrote a wrapper class for this kind of thing.
public abstract class PoolableMonoBehaviour<T> : MonoBehaviour, IPoolable<IMemoryPool>, IDisposable where T : PoolableMonoBehaviour<T>
protected IMemoryPool _pool;
public void OnSpawned(IMemoryPool pool)
_pool = pool;
public virtual void OnSpawnedInternal()
public void OnDespawned()
public virtual void OnDespawnedInternal()
public virtual void Dispose() => _pool.Despawn(this);
public class Factory : PlaceholderFactory<T>
{ }
public class Pool : MonoPoolableMemoryPool<IMemoryPool, T>
{ }
Right now it doesn't support parameters, but that would be easy to do, just duplicate the class and add TParam infront of Every IMermoryPool.
I also wrote an extension method for binding
namespace Zenject.Extensions
public static class Extensions
public static ArgConditionCopyNonLazyBinder BindPoolable<TPoolable>
(DiContainer container,Action<MemoryPoolInitialSizeMaxSizeBinder<TPoolable>> poolBinder)
where TPoolable : PoolableMonoBehaviour<TPoolable>
var x = container
.BindFactory<TPoolable, PoolableMonoBehaviour<TPoolable>.Factory>()
.FromPoolableMemoryPool<TPoolable, PoolableMonoBehaviour<TPoolable>.Pool>
return x;
With these new scripts, the code goes from looking like it did at the top to this:
public class AfterInstaller : MonoInstaller
public After prefab;
public override void InstallBindings()
c => c.WithInitialSize(5)
public class After : PoolableMonoBehaviour<After>
This makes it mech easier to for a gameobject to return itself to the pool
public class After : PoolableMonoBehaviour<After>
private float lifetime = 1f;
public override void OnSpawnedInternal()
lifetime = 1f;
private void Update()
lifetime -= Time.deltaTime;
if (lifetime <= 0)
This isn't really an issue, just now that Extenject isn't being supported I thought it would be useful for people trying to wrap their heads around prefab spawning.
Right now it's a lot of setup to just spawn a prefab.
The class looks like this:
and the binding looks like this
I wrote a wrapper class for this kind of thing.
Right now it doesn't support parameters, but that would be easy to do, just duplicate the class and add TParam infront of Every IMermoryPool.
I also wrote an extension method for binding
With these new scripts, the code goes from looking like it did at the top to this:
This makes it mech easier to for a gameobject to return itself to the pool
This isn't really an issue, just now that Extenject isn't being supported I thought it would be useful for people trying to wrap their heads around prefab spawning.