Mathnstein / STAT545-hw-griffith-cody

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HW06 is ready for grading #5

Open Mathnstein opened 6 years ago

Mathnstein commented 6 years ago

@vincenzocoia @gvdr @ksedivyhaley @JoeyBernhardt @mynamedaike @pgonzaleze @derekcho

AnhKhoaVo commented 6 years ago

Hi @Mathnstein ,

What I like: It was a pleasure reading your homework 6 since it was so easy to read and follow what you have put down in there. I also enjoyed the .pdf file for the ease of reading. I also like how you repeat the question to for us to know what you answer to.

What needs improvement: I believe if you pick question 1 (stringr exercise), you are required to do 1 questions out of 13 exercises in the stringr chapter. Meaning you need to do 13 codes in total.

  1. Coding style: I find your coding style easy to follow, especially for someone who has limited experience in R. +

  2. Coding strategy: I enjoy your coding strategy since I am able to follow it naturally in a logical sense. +

Overall, I quite enjoyed your homework.

heathersummers commented 6 years ago


Overall your repository is well laid out and I found it easy to find your homework 6 assignment using the link in your file. The commenting throughout the assignment made it very easy to follow the code. For the first part of the assignment where you worked through the exercises in the Strings chapter the answers to each of the questions were well explained and included examples to support the answer. You created a detailed cheat sheet of the stringr package and I have found it very helpful reviewing your assignment and look forward to using some of the stringr functions and characters to tidy data. For the second part of the assignment where you worked with a list was very well done. For some of the lines of code I would suggest maybe adding a little more explanation of what the functions are doing to make it easier on the reviewer to follow along (especially since the output of the code is not included). Lastly, your reflection on your process was detailed and included areas of the assignment that you found easy (i.e. purr functions) and others that you found more difficult and would benefit from more of an explanation (i.e. grouping and backreferencing). Overall, amazing job on this assignment and best of luck with future assignments.


derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @Mathnstein ! Here are some comments about your hw06:

Note: your mark (check minus, check, check plus) will be distributed later.