Mathnstein / STAT545-hw-griffith-cody

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Hw 08 is ready for grading #7

Open Mathnstein opened 6 years ago

Mathnstein commented 6 years ago

@vincenzocoia @gvdr @ksedivyhaley @JoeyBernhardt @mynamedaike @pgonzaleze @derekcho

emwest commented 6 years ago

Hey there, Your repo organization is wonderful and very easy to follow. Its great to have everything linked up on your readme.

Wow, your web app is beautiful, nice use of the shiny theme! The formatting is unique and it is clear you put a lot of thought into the user experience. Importantly, it is clear to the user why your app would be helpful.

By including a generate plot button you clearly show your understanding of shiny things, however because it is on the bottom of the side bar I originally overlooked it and was confused as to why the plot was not automatically generated. If this were not a homework assignment, I would suggest having the histogram and table respond directly to the user inputs. You clearly spent time reformatting the histogram from the one we generated in class, those details are appreciated. The Random Pick button is ingenious.

It is always a good idea to reference where your data come from, I couldn't locate this on your app but it is a quick addition.

All in all, a really nice homework submission, you added at least 3 things to the app and accomplished the 5 objectives set out in the homework outline. Nice job!

hsmohammed commented 6 years ago


I am happy to review your app. First I liked how you used a different theme for the application. It looks very nice! You have added more than 3 tasks to the app design by using different themes, tabs, action button, and images. I just have one small comment. You can create an error message when, for example, the user types a string in the number of bins box.

Overall very great app reflecting what you have learned in class and also using the online resources on your own.

Thank you, Hossameldin Mohammed

derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @Mathnstein, here are some comments about your hw08:

App split into ui.R and server.R: Yes Deployed on Yes Repo has code and README: Yes Number of features implemented: Around 5 Progress report: No

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