Matmaus / LnkParse3

Windows Shortcut file (LNK) parser
MIT License
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Change extra block printing to be list agnostic and smaller #29

Closed gdesmar closed 2 months ago

gdesmar commented 4 months ago

As we discussed, that would be the modification to make the print more list agnostic and more yaml-like for Extra blocks. I would totally understand if you consider it to be too convoluted and creating too much complexity for the benefit. I think that by making this PR, even if you chose not to take it in and I delete my repo, it'll stay for future references? Maybe it will be revisited if LnkParse3's Extra Block management keep growing into handling more odd undocumented edge cases. 🙂

Matmaus commented 4 months ago

It does look more complex :D but I like it. Actually, I am even thinking about extending your idea and completely moving to YAML. It would really simplify the code. Here is a draft.

Here is output of lnkparse tests/samples/unknown_block --all:

    Command line arguments: /c ren cfsdaacdfawd\*.vbss *.vbs &start \cfsdaacdfawd\aiasfacoiaksf.vbs&start
        explorer .android_secure&exit
    Icon location: '%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll'
    Special folder location block:
        Offset: 213
        Size: 16
        Special foldeid: 37
    Unknown block:
    -   Extra data sha256: 4f022b4bc7668d870e158010c9877224df1b9b07bd24ef32b731963232b15eb2
        Size: 28
    -   Extra data sha256: 40ebe6ee6ad3303ae2db241742e857aee523b21553a51e2f6c2a2461f1010879
        Size: 153
    Accessed time: null
    Creation time: null
    File flags: []
    File size: 0
    Guid: 00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
    Headesize: 76
    Hotkey: 0
    Icon index: 3
    Link flags:
    - HasTargetIDList
    - HasArguments
    - HasIconLocation
    - IsUnicode
    Modified time: null
    Reserved0: 0
    Reserved1: 0
    Reserved2: 0
Link info: {}
    Index: 78
    -   Class: Root Folder
        Guid: 20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D
        Sort index: My Computer
    -   Class: Volume Item
        Data: null
        Flags: '0xf'
    -   Class: File entry
        File attribute flags: 16
        File size: 0
        Flags: Is directory
        Modification time: null
        Primary name: Windows
    -   Class: File entry
        File attribute flags: 16
        File size: 0
        Flags: Is directory
        Modification time: null
        Primary name: system32
    -   Class: File entry
        File attribute flags: 0
        File size: 0
        Flags: Is file
        Modification time: null
        Primary name: cmd.exe
    Size: 297
gdesmar commented 4 months ago

Absolutely! That should simplify it greatly. I did try to use pure yaml, but I was seeing a few things that you may not like as much:

When I tried to use only yaml, I couldn't find an easy way to override key formatting (all-uppercase or not, with or without colon) and have item skipping (UNWANTED_TRAITS). With a first step of format_lnk_json, I think you can make the second bullet point work in your draft, and the third isn't that important (and you may even be able to do it if you absolutely want it), but the first would be where I would hesitate. As a user on the commandline, it was probably nice to have it in that specific order. In the end, I'm not really using lnkparse on the commandline (more as a library and using get_json(get_all=True)), so don't let me influence you too much! 😁

P.S. Did you mean to have Unknown (undefined) block as italic in the README? If not, you're missing another set of *.

Matmaus commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the idea. I have created a different PR where I changed priting to a modified YAML. As this PR is no more relevant I am closing it.