MatoiDev / Witcher

Magical iOS App Switcher
MIT License
47 stars 3 forks source link

Feature Requests b4 v4 #3

Open isaiah750 opened 1 month ago

isaiah750 commented 1 month ago

Hello brave warrior! I am much interested in your tweak and its future progression! Its really cool so far but I have some unorganized notes thus far, and ill be re-enabling the tweak to further test, note take, and think of relevant features.

Feature Requests so far:

Add the ability to replace the stock application switcher gestures with yours, whilst leaving the base functionality as is so that way other tweaks can generally modify the app switcher without completely breaking compatibility. Like replace the pullup gesture to trigger witcher, but still allow the bottom swipe gesture to quickly swap apps.

I would very much like to replace my stock/limited app switcher with yours, as of rn its just too clunky to be a fulltime replacement as the stock appswitcher triggers often without fine control over which i want to use.

Allow the user to customize the layout and functionality of the quick actions (close, closeall) as well as add apps as shortcuts.

Allow the stock setting for limited animation/transitions to apply to your tweak/tweaked app switcher. Saves battery life, especially if paired with feature requests towards the bottom.

Those three features would allow this tweak to be daily drivable for myself. Below are more complex but rewarding features/integrations.

Customize the gestures, etc open from side, pull and hold down the close all apps (minus playing media/blacklist).

Add an extra option to open the app library like the ipad dock or applibraryshortcut. Maybe even add hooks for other multitasking/gesture/app switching tweaks like instant launcher 2, pullout pro, and/or dynamic stage to open their “app drawer” or multi-functionality. That would provide one point of interaction to completely navigate the system.

Also if you do the above, allow the user to 3d touch apps in the switcher as if they were on the homescreen/app library - useful for us who dont use the homescreen/app drawer to get the extended menu somewhere else. I use instalauncher2, nicebarx, pullout pro, lynx, jade, searchdots(spotlight mode) to navigate my system- no applibrary, empty homescreen. Definitely not useful for everyone but those who would use the above would benefit from this ability.

And I, maybe not everyone, would be willing to pay for these features individually, if not them at least contribute to the development costs.

I have more ideas but ill refine them more over time, maybe after next release.

Do note your tweak is the only inactivated tweak i allow to remain on my device because its a great idea, keep up the good work and drop a patreon/paypal please!

MatoiDev commented 4 weeks ago

Hello, mister! I am very pleased to read this from you. Your words are very motivating, which is already a contribution to the development of this tweak!

You have listed very useful features and although they are quite difficult to implement, I am willing to spend my time and effort to implement them!

Right now I'm making some changes to the Witcher as I can, due to the awkward (but seemingly the only, thanks, Apple) way of implementation a bunch of bugs are popping up that I'm dealing with for now. Still a lot of work to do, slowly but surely moving forward ;)

I'll pin this request. You have no idea how much your words mean to me! 🤝