Matoking / protontricks

A wrapper that does winetricks things for Proton enabled games, requires Winetricks.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Howto use with flatpaked Steam? #11

Closed Pshemas closed 5 years ago

Pshemas commented 5 years ago

I wonder - does anyone know howto use Protontricks when you use flatpaked Steam? Would be awesome if it could be done -I've switched to Flatpak Steam as it gave the least amount of issues (to be precise - no issues at all :D ), but there are still games that require tweaks when using Proton and I'd love to have an easy way to apply those.

Pshemas commented 5 years ago

update: it seems to work on my end without any extra hassle. Mostly because I created symlinks to flatpaked steam folders so I could get Flatpak Steam under Lutris. It seems to do the trick ;) for Protontricks as well.

Matoking commented 5 years ago

I tested the Flatpak version of Steam for a bit, and the following seems to work. There are limitations since the environment inside the Steam sandbox is missing a lot of packages. Some winetricks commands complain about the missing cabextract package, but you can use winecfg, for example.

The following instructions are based on the comment by @BoltsJ here.

First, launch a new shell inside the Steam sandbox by running the following command.

flatpak run --command=bash com.valvesoftware.Steam

Install protontricks inside this shell using pipx:

python3 -m pip install --user pipx
.local/bin/pipx install protontricks

Then install winetricks:

curl -o winetricks
chmod +x winetricks

Now, exit the sandboxed shell and create an alias called protontricks-flat that can be used to call protontricks for the Flatpak version of Steam. You can change the name of the alias if you want to.

echo "alias protontricks-flat='flatpak run --env=WINETRICKS=$HOME/winetricks --command=.local/bin/protontricks com.valvesoftware.Steam'" >> ~/.bashrc

Finally, close the terminal and reopen it. You should now be able to use protontricks using the alias you chose (protontricks-flat is the default). For example:

protontricks-flat -s deus ex
Matoking commented 5 years ago

I've added the Flatpak installation instructions to the wiki.