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Programming Language for Type Safe Composition of Distributed Infrastructure
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First Protocol Specification - Session Types Article #15

Closed CMCDragonkai closed 5 years ago

CMCDragonkai commented 6 years ago

Write an article about session type development. Although this issue will also address some feedback about the most recent research and experiments.

CMCDragonkai commented 6 years ago

@olligobber Just a few questions.

In what case can a Map be not valid?

More generally what's the purpose of checking the validity of the session type? What's an example incorrect construction?

With regards to subtyping:

What about the types that are being offered and chosen? If a service offers an object { key1: string, key2 : int }, but the consumer only requires an object {key1: string}, these 2 parties are compatible because the consumer only needs one of them. Check out row polymorphism for more about this. Did the article on contravariance and covariance help as well?

I think it would make it easier to understand if you also give example specification as well as the code implementation. Or even typing rules.

How does the dual interact with subtyping? What is the relationship between the subtyping in the demo and the more general subtyping theory?

This appears to work nicely for union composition, where it then allows one to create the gateway microservice pattern.

As a general feedback on the code, I would put the union' and other func' as where clauses since they should be encapsulated by the external API.

What does ambiguity here mean? Does it mean it chooses randomly, or just chooses the first one. That the first set that contains the key takes precedence. Also in that case, we should not call a union, but a merge operation that has deterministic behaviour. I'm not sure if that really makes sense in the context of Automatons though.

Please explain this limited ambiguity with some examples.

CMCDragonkai commented 6 years ago

Since Send and Recv are recursive, the base case is always Wait and Kill. Is Wait equivalent to a networked service just performing event-driven listen?

CMCDragonkai commented 6 years ago

I need to go over the tests with you @olligobber, there are parts which are hard to understand. Either restructuring, comments, or more deliberate names would help here.

olligobber commented 6 years ago

A Map can be invalid, see,

valid (fromAscList [(3,"b"), (5,"a")]) == True
valid (fromAscList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == False

Checking this does not affect the time complexity of the operation, so I left it in. Invalid session types are ones where the underlying data structures have been made invalid somehow, or that present invalid choices, such as an offer with no choices, or a choose that chooses nothing.

Duality inverts subtyping, as seen in the following property:

I've considered the various ways of unioning two session types, which we go with depends on how complicated our network combinators should be.

Wait and Kill represent "wait for them to end communication" and "end communication now" respectively. Sometimes they are merged into a single Session Type called End, which might actually be more appropriate.

We do need more documentation including comments and examples.

olligobber commented 5 years ago

Draft of the article is ready to be proofread.

CMCDragonkai commented 5 years ago

The article is now published.

Note that use nohighlight as the markdown code annotation to prevent automatic (incorrect) syntax highlighting.

CMCDragonkai commented 5 years ago

Note that the idea of using rec for fixed points came from Nix. But Nix uses rec for attribute sets, and here we are using rec t as a domain specific way of delimiting a recursive point in the type declaration. See this for more information.