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Deriving Overwatch Monitors from Protocol Specification #13

Open CMCDragonkai opened 5 years ago

CMCDragonkai commented 5 years ago

From @CMCDragonkai on May 12, 2018 8:50

This issue tracks the purpose of Protocol Specification.

Found a couple links that relate to purpose 2. We might split this out into a separate issue to track:

The research group primarily interested in this purpose 2 appears to be

Copied from original issue: MatrixAI/Architect#16

CMCDragonkai commented 5 years ago

Just in the middle of reading "A Framework for Validating Session Protocols". This paper describes a simple idea of using Haskell to create an embedded DSL for protocol parsing.

The paper focuses on parsing protocol messages for stateful protocols. Not the correctness of the individual packet, but whether the packet's message state is a valid message within the state of the protocol. That is certain packets are illegal within a particular state of the protocol.

To do this, they create types:

The main idea is that you can run a "session parser" defined in terms of the DFA on a sequence of messages for a given protocol. The end result is whether the sequence of messages is correct. You can also just do a "micro test" which tests a single message within a artificially constructed state.

The paper does not get to the part about of generating C code to be later embedded into the OS kernel. It is left to later. This part is probably what is most interesting to us. But we would most likely want to figure out how to compile to BPF and other userspace code.

The design of the session parser is then simple, because it doesn't actually try to parse the byte format of the message itself, it is assumed that it is already correct. This certainly means that if we can just embed Haskell code within the Architect language (which would mean Architect language is a superset of Haskell, or perhaps allows quasiquotation internal DSLs) we could apply this kind of parser.

I'm a bit confused about how this would interact with session types, since session types also have overlap with specifying the communication behaviour, whereas this is about verifying the communication behaviour at runtime.

CMCDragonkai commented 5 years ago

As our protocol spec has reached quite an interesting stage, I think it's a good idea to start prototyping how they would be interpreted as BPF monitoring code that verifies the protocol via network sampling @olligobber

CMCDragonkai commented 5 years ago

This work involves the Racket language combined with an embedded solver to produce interesting DSLs:

CMCDragonkai commented 5 years ago

Moved this from Architect repo. Also renamed this to track work on deriving Monitoring systems from the Protocol specification. Hopefully we can create a better name for Overwatch "monitors". @n-zhang-hp I have some papers on BPF generation from Haskell on the other desk, please have a read of those as well.