MatrixAI / Polykey

Polykey Core Library
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Discovery Refactoring - Derived from JOSE replacement #493

Closed CMCDragonkai closed 1 year ago

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago


This spec is less well-baked compared to the GestaltGraph because this is my initial review of the discovery domain.

The discovery domain depends on:

  1. NodeManager for connecting to nodes and asking about their sigchain
  2. TaskManager to run background tasks
  3. GestaltGraph to update the links they discover
  4. KeyRing to know if we are finding our own NodeId.
  5. Sigchain to add its own sigchain into the GestaltGraph

There are several major changes here required:

GestaltId instead of GestaltKey

The GestaltGraph now uses GestaltId, it does not expose the GestaltKey, all operations must now use the GestaltId when interacting with the Sigchain.

Querying the Sigchain of remote node

When connecting to the remote node in order to discover their sigchain, it must be understood as a stream of claims. Rather than one giant claim array. This means instead of calling NodeManager.requestChainData, it should be using the NCM and connecting to it.

We know that the NCM is a supervisor over node connection pools. It should be the primary way by which downstream domains attempt contact to other nodes and to call them.

The NM by contrast can also use the NCM and expose a variety of high-level functionality over the nodes. However in this case, the only user of NodeManager.requestChainData is the Discovery and it makes more sense for the Discovery to directly operate the NodeConnection and its encapsulated GRPC client.

Therefore the Discovery should be relying on the NodeConnectionManager and not the NodeManager.

On the GRPC service handler, the nodesChainDataGet should be changed to a server stream. This stream will yield SignedClaim.

On the other side, when querying the own Sigchain, it should not just call Sigchain.getClaims, but get only the "latest" (and unrevoked) claim per node ID or identity ID. To do this, the Sigchain will need some sort of indexing to keep track of this (#327).

Processing own Node

With respect to #319, it should be processing its own sigchain immediately on start and adding such data to the GestaltGraph.

The Sigchain can be mutated by itself during the claiming process for node to node and node to identity. This claiming process cannot be initiated by the Sigchain.

This part is currently a bit confusing.

For node to node claims, this all starts in NodeManager.claimNode, which itself ends up calling the Sigchain.

But for node to identity claims, this is done by the GRPC handler identitiesClaim which orchestrates operations between the Sigchain and Provider.

We need to clarify on a few things here:

  1. Should the Discovery be responsible for managing the node's own Sigchain and putting its data into the GestaltGraph?
  2. How should the Discovery crawl its GestaltGraph and does it also try to discover its own vertex?
  3. We decided long ago, that GRPC handlers (service layer) should be thin wrappers around domain models (business layer) doing the bulk of the business logic. This means claiming an identity should be in the identities domain just like claiming a node is in the nodes domain.
  4. The Sigchain is not aware of the GestaltGraph and the GestaltGraph is not aware of the Sigchain. This is good, because we can do object composition here. Given that any claiming process will involve the Sigchain, should the GestaltGraph also be updated by the claiming process?

Here's one possible answer to the question:

discovery and claiming

Here you can see that claiming an identity or a node is what ends up updating the GestaltGraph. It's not a reactive thing, because claiming updates both our own Sigchain and our own gestalt in the GestaltGraph.

The claimNode and claimIdentity are now part of the domain models. In the case of claimIdentity, this needs to be part of the Provider. In fact, as an abstract class, we would expect that these dependencies to be injected into the Provider for it to be used during the claiming process. This may not be entirely good design if we expect provider plugins. In the case of plugins, we have 2 choices, we are either calling into it, or it is calling into us. If we give it the Sigchain and GestaltGraph, we are giving it quite a lot of power, thus allowing it to call into us, is like providing an entire scripting environment. A safer model is that we call into it. In that case, it would be part of the IdentitiesManager.

Note that the diagram above renames IdentitiesManager as ProviderManager atm because it doesn't do anything except manager Provider. But if the claiming process is a "don't call us, we'll call you", then it can be left as IdentitiesManager.

Finally Discovery does not actually need access to the Sigchain nor to the KeyRing. The discovery does not need discover its own node, because any changes to its own node's gestalt would be reflected immediately during the claimNode and claimIdentity operations. The discovery only needs to discover the node's own neighbours, which can it do by querying the gestalt graph and prioritising based on TTLs (which are yet to be implemented). There are still some questions as to how does the discovery become aware about the new nodes in the gestalt? This can either be push-based or pull-based. I believe right now it is pull-based, which means there's a timer-based polling onto the GestaltGraph and we have talked about making the Discovery reactive to the GestaltGraph.

Deliberate Operations for Discovery

It needs to be reviewed how exactly users can directly tell the Discovery to start its discovery process against a given NodeId or ProviderIdentityId.

GestaltLinkNode for doubly signed claims


Notifications for Claiming Nodes


Additional context


  1. [x] 1. Replace GestaltKey usage with GestaltId.
  2. [x] 2. Discovery logic needs to refactored and cleaned up
  3. [x] 3. Streaming claims when connecting to remote nodes and identities.
  4. [x] 4. Don't process your own node, It should be added to the GestaltGraph when claims are made. This is done for both claim node and claim identity.
  5. [x] 5. claimNode needs to be a part of the nodes domain along with the handler logic for it. The logic behind this needs to be refactored to use the new claims/token changes.
  6. [x] 6. Likewise the claimIdentity logic and handler needs to be apart of the IdentityManager or Provider.
  7. [ ] 7. Existing tests need to be updated and coverted to using fast check.
  8. [ ] 8. New test needs to be created to do a more complex model based testing using all of the available Discovery commands.
  9. [x] 9. Index claim read, when requesting claims we can request only the claims newer that the provided Id.
  10. [x] 10. Notifications needs to be updated to make use of the new tokens. \
  11. [x] Claiming nodes needs to respect permissions.
CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

For claimNode and claimIdentity, there should be simultaneous handleClaimNode and handleClaimIdentity that is also part of the domain business logic.

This interactions shouldn't be kept in the service layers. The service layers are meant to be thin wrappers.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

The handleClaimIdentity seems that it shouldn't be in the Provider. But this does require some prototyping to see whether it should be. Whether IdentitiesManager or Provider... etc.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

Oh I just realised handleClaimIdentity doesn't actually make sense. Because we aren't an "identity".

tegefaulkes commented 1 year ago

How exactly do we tell claims apart?

We have a ClaimLinkNode or ClaimLinkIdentity but they all come out of the sigchain as a Claim. I think the only real difference between them is that the sub parameter would be a NodeidEncoded for a node claim and ProviderIdentityIdEncoded for a identity claim. So it's not impossible to tell them apart but not ideal.

This is not so much a problem for our local sigchain since part of this spec is to have the GestaltGraph updated along side our sigchain.

But for remote nodes we can only get the stream of claims from their sigchain without the context.

Now claims can contain arbitrary information so we can just add a type property to them.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

There are 2 options:

  1. Using the cty as I described here:
  2. Putting typ: 'ClaimLinkIdentity into the payload itself.

The second way is much easier for us to deal with and it disambiguates inside the claim payload... whereas the first way fits the JWT spec better, and it is part of the entire signed claim, not the claim.

They don't conflict, both could be done at the same time. But for now I think the first way is easiest.

Do note that you should be using sigchain.getSignedClaims not getClaims. You need to verify the claims at the discovery level.

The typ property wouldn't conflict with anything listed here: So I think we should be good.

tegefaulkes commented 1 year ago

The discovery logic is doing a weird extra level of logic here. When we process a vertex we request the chain data for that vertex. We then iterate over these claims, verify them, add them to the GestaltGraph and then schedule them to be processed.

For some reason we are also requesting the chain data for every node found in these claims and schedule them as well. That should be handled when the original claim is processed. So we're kind of doing this twice here? I don't see a reason for it and it's making the logic here hard to follow in what is already a very long section of code.

I'm just going to remove it.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

The entire discovery logic can be rewritten. It's significantly legacy now that the GG and Sigchain have been changed.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

For claimIdentity:

  1. This should go into IdentitiesManager, and it will require the ProviderId to identify which provider to the claiming for, and also maybe require the IdentityId in order to identify which identity to do the claiming. The latter requires end to end support for multiple identities per provider.
  2. It should then automatically apply changes to the GestaltGraph. Similar to claimNode.

For claimNode:

  1. This will end up needing a timeout mechanism for connecting to a node, and also for doing the doubly signed claim between the 2 nodes. The latter is being delayed until the RPC refactoring is done #249. In there we are prototyping a better RPC system for peer to peer systems and that should be much easier to having to build an interaction protocol on top of a duplex stream.
  2. It needs to automatically apply changes to the GestaltGraph.

For Sigchain:

In the Discovery, it is currently attempting to read all the sigchain claims. We want to avoid this and instead get an "indexed read". There are couple strategies here.

  1. We know that the ClaimId is ordered. So in the GG we would know the last ClaimId that we have processed. We can then ask the Sigchain to give us the claims from that last ClaimId and thus we can avoid re-processing already processed claims. This translates to "pagination" parameters for the getSignedClaims and getClaims methods on the Sigchain.
  2. This means when we do getSignedClaim we can pass { seek, order } and only process the claims that we need to process. During the discovery process, this does require iterating over the existing set of claims. But this is what we will do normally and keep them in memory because we will be exploring those connections subsequently.

In terms of the TTL for the discovery, that can be done separately later. But the nodes and identities should be re-visited according to a priority and TTL policy. #462

tegefaulkes commented 1 year ago

The refactoring is almost done now. The only build problems left are from the notifications and sessions. I'll have to do something about these before I can do the manual testing. Sessions should be a quick fix but the notifications might be a little trickier since they're using JSON schemas.

I'll see if I can stub out the build problems, otherwise I'll have to refactor it with the token changes.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

Did you add an additional method to Sigchain.setClaim based on what we discussed? Or was it a different way for node claiming?

tegefaulkes commented 1 year ago

I didn't need to, Both sides were already creating separate claims and singing them for each other. So I replicated that behaviour when refactoring.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

How does that work? It has be the same claim. Wait... are we saying there are 2 separate claims that each is signing?

So node 1 has made a claim, that is doubly signed.

And node 2 has made a claim, that is doubly signed.

I think I remember that there was some debate about this...

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

So it is actually 2 separate claims because the sigchains are not shared. Things like the claim Id and the previous hash is different and therefore cannot be shared between the 2. So it's like having 2 copies of a contract, and both contracts are doubly signed (but with additional information on each contract that is a bit different).

Therefore we need to ensure some level of commonality between the 2 claims.

The issuer and subject should be the same for both claims. The node that initiates the claiming process is always the issuer. And the responding node is always the subject on both sides of the sigchain.

Furthermore, this means the GestaltLinkNode has to store claims: [ClaimLinkNode, ClaimLinkNode]. Where the order must be the initiating node's claim then the responding node's claim.

This ensures an unambiguous order in the GG, so that when the GG is synchronising, we can easily compare what is different.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

For the claimNode operation, we have to consider how this impacts the notifications process.

Remember that from a permissions perspective, our nodes cannot just allow any node to initiate the claimNode process. If that was possible, it would be trivial to link up all nodes to a gestalt and screw up the security of Polykey.

Therefore, when Node 1 wants to link up with Node 2, it actually has to 2 things:

  1. Attempt to claimNode but possibly expect a permission failure.
  2. Send a notification GestaltInvite to the other node which requests that the other node joins the gestalt.

For Node 2, the end user has to "act" or ignore the GestaltInvite invitation. If it ignores it, nothing happens. If it "acts" on it, this has to result in one of 2 things:

  1. It can attempt to claimNode on node 1.
  2. It can enable the permission that allows node 1 to perform the claimNode.

If 1. occurs, this means receiving a GestaltInvite notification means that Node 1 has enabled the permission for Node 2 to claim itself. And Node 2 is the issuer and the Node 1 is the subject.

If 2. occurs, this means Node 1 has to re-attempt the claimNode. How does Node 1 know that the permission is allowed now? It could mean that a responding notification has to be sent to Node 1 to tell it that it is approved to link the node. This means Node 1 is the issuer and Node 2 is the subject.

The 2. solution results in extra notifications interaction. This does involve extra work, and it is difficult for the Polykey agent to show the notification, unless we register the Polykey agent to desktop toasting systems.

The 2. solution also actually allows the entire gestalt of node 1 to link with node 2, it isn't just the node 1. This is because permissions are at the level of gestalts, not nodes.

I think the ultimate solution is combination of 1. and 2. However for the purpose of our manual testing, let's just get 1. done first.

tegefaulkes commented 1 year ago

I'm doing the manual testing for claiming an identity. Right now it's responding with a bad request. I don't know why though. So far as I can tell the URL is correct.

  [Symbol(Response internals)]: {
    url: '',
    status: 400,
    statusText: 'Bad Request',
    headers: Headers { [Symbol(map)]: [Object: null prototype] },
    counter: 0

When I change the scope to just gist to see if it's formatting I still get a Bad Request. Is the client_id out of date or just wrong?

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

Ensure that the client ID is correct.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

The client ID is correct. I forgot that the application is in fact managed by Matrix AI org.

The thing that changed was that GitHub now requires explicit opt-in for device flow. So I enabled it now.


Note that the client secret is not necessary for the device flow.

This technically means any application can try to masquerade as the Polykey GitHub application... but users should be warned not to trust the Polykey github app, if they aren't using it through the official Polykey application that we are releasing.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

You should catch this exception though:

I'm doing the manual testing for claiming an identity. Right now it's responding with a bad request. I don't know why though. So far as I can tell the URL is correct.

  [Symbol(Response internals)]: {
    url: '',
    status: 400,
    statusText: 'Bad Request',
    headers: Headers { [Symbol(map)]: [Object: null prototype] },
    counter: 0

When I change the scope to just gist to see if it's formatting I still get a Bad Request. Is the client_id out of date or just wrong?

And explicitly report it in our identities/errors.ts.

tegefaulkes commented 1 year ago

That is just some debug output. It is caught and handled.

tegefaulkes commented 1 year ago

To claim a node, first we need to authenticate with github.

[nix-shell:~/matrixcode/polykey/js-polykey]$ npm run polykey -- identities authenticate --node-path /tmp/newnode tegefaulkes

url     ""
userCode        "60CF-C70E"

This will direct us to a screen to enter the provided code.


After entering the code you are presented with a screen to review the requested permissions and the option to authorise it.


After authorising you are shown a confirmation. You can close the page here.


After all that it should be authorised. The next step is to claim the identity.

[nix-shell:~/matrixcode/polykey/js-polykey]$ npm run polykey -- identities claim --node-path /tmp/newnode tegefaulkes

Claim Id: a7183803e7e5f7626d808078b8517fcd

You should now have a gist that contains the Token corresponding to the claim and the claim is added to the sigchain.


CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

The GG should have that claim added as a GestaltLinkIdentity.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

And the cryptolink.txt file will be a nicely rendered markdown file in the future too.

This can just use regex and a static template. It doesn't require any fancy markdown parser. We just need a useful unambiguous identifier in the markdown template to look up.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

Comparing the claimNode process to claimIdentity you can see that the User Agent (the browser) is used to authenticate to the identity provider in order to confirm/accept the linking process.

However claimNode doesn't have such an elegant UX at this point in time. The expectation is that the notification is send to the other node. And the user must then authenticate to the other node via the client service and confirm the linking process and either end up claiming the original node or enabling the permission for the original node to claim the subject node.

But thinking about this further, it seems the User Agent can also not just be a browser. In the case of node to node links. We can imagine that the PK client is the user agent here. And there are 2 realisations of this: the Polykey CLI and Polykey GUI. Therefore a similar UX is possible, if during the claimNode process we ended up authenticating to the second node through the Polykey client for them to link up the gestalt.

Of course this assumes that the 2 nodes are owned by the same entity. This is not always true. It is possible the second node requires a completely separate authentication to accept the linking action. Therefore we can afford to make the UX a little more explicit compared to the claim identity process.

tegefaulkes commented 1 year ago

I need to go over the nodes claiming process and how the notifications and permissions factor into it.

I think we just need to allow a node to form a claim with us. At most that just needs to be an ACL permission for it. alternatively we could issue a token that allows someone to claim us. Such that if you come to me trying to form a node claim, you need to provide a token signed by me that authorizes you to do so.

For either way the notifications doesn't really need to be used except to inform the other node that you've allowed them to claim you.

It doesn't need to be similar to the identity claim method since that's limited by the OAuth flow.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

You need to use the notifications because otherwise the other node will not know if the linking process is legitimate or not. It's an inherent part of the entire flow.

The OAuth flow provides a nice UX for authenticating the node claiming process. It should give us a framework for any flow that allows a user that controls 2 nodes to easily link them together.

The notification can actually contain the token that allows the reverse node linking to succeed. This would be the same as enabling the permission on the ACL for the gestalt, although it does provide a finer grained process, that forces the other node to use the token in the notification. However we don't have any facility for this yet, because we don't really have a access token system available except under the session system.

Remember in the issue #472 the KeyManager was removed, but later it can be brought back as a generic token management system. However we also want to lift this to the level of the vaults system, so that's why we are not going with this design yet.

So we shouldn't go with an access token yet because the token management is not yet designed.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

Let's go with:

# sends the vault share notification (and sets the permission)
pk vaults share
# does the actual pulling
pk vaults pull

# sends the gestalt invite notification (and sets the permission)
pk gestalts invite
# links up the gestalts, and triggers `claimNode`
pk gestalts link

We are separating the sending of the notification from the actual linking process.

Note that gestalts and identities are sort of inter-related.

I'm not sure if we should have these as part of pk nodes, pk identities or pk gestalts.

We have to see how all the commands work together.

This does mean attempting to link where you don't have the permission to should result in a permission failure.

tegefaulkes commented 1 year ago

so currently when you do a nodes claim the node checks if it has a gestalt invite notification from that node. If it doesn't it sends an invite notification to the other node. If it does it attempts to claim the node.

Right now no permissions are applied besides the notifications permission or needing a permission to even try. Nothing would prevent you from claiming a node if you call nodeManager.claimNode.

So some changes that need to be made.

  1. We need a claim permission ACL to allow claiming of a node
  2. We need a new command that invites a node to claim it. It would set the claim permission and send a notification.
  3. The NodesClaim handler needs to check the ACL for the claim permission before doing the claim process.
  4. We could still have the nodeClaim process Check for a gestaltInvite notification and automatically do an invite if it is missing.
CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

I think for 4. we keep it explicit, and so claimNode should just throw an exception if the permission fails.

The automatic UX can be done at the GUI level, but for CLI commands, let's make it explicit.

tegefaulkes commented 1 year ago

Claiming nodes is working now.

Since we're doing this locally without any seed nodes, we need to add the connection information to the node graph first

[nix-shell:~/matrixCode/polykey/js-polykey]$ npm run polykey -- nodes add --node-path tmp/NODEA v7ddmuksafhqdp6k5oa2cv3jr952vbcr0eiinqud6ejjlrhmmk1eg 55556

> polykey@1.0.1-alpha.0 polykey
> ts-node src/bin/polykey.ts "nodes" "add" "--node-path" "tmp/NODEA" "v7ddmuksafhqdp6k5oa2cv3jr952vbcr0eiinqud6ejjlrhmmk1eg" "" "55556"

Attempting to claim a node at this point will result in a permission failure. I need to update the failure message here.

[nix-shell:~/matrixCode/polykey/js-polykey]$ npm run polykey -- nodes claim --node-path tmp/NODEA v7ddmuksafhqdp6k5oa2cv3jr952vbcr0eiinqud6ejjlrhmmk1eg

> polykey@1.0.1-alpha.0 polykey
> ts-node src/bin/polykey.ts "nodes" "claim" "--node-path" "tmp/NODEA" "v7ddmuksafhqdp6k5oa2cv3jr952vbcr0eiinqud6ejjlrhmmk1eg"

ErrorPolykeyRemote: Remote error from RPC call
  command       nodesClaim
  nodeId        vp2g8p652nq7lu6md9got9011u9ussrulmi8c87lvrgms62df72og
  port  40157
  timestamp     Fri Nov 18 2022 17:02:34 GMT+1100 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)
  cause: ErrorPolykeyRemote: Remote error from RPC call
    command     nodesCrossSignClaim
    nodeId      v7ddmuksafhqdp6k5oa2cv3jr952vbcr0eiinqud6ejjlrhmmk1eg
    port        55556
    timestamp   Fri Nov 18 2022 17:02:34 GMT+1100 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)
    cause: ErrorNodePermissionDenied: Permission not given to do this action
      exitCode  68
      timestamp Fri Nov 18 2022 17:02:34 GMT+1100 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)

I need to trust the other node before I can receive notifications.

[nix-shell:~/matrixCode/polykey/js-polykey]$ npm run polykey -- identities trust --node-path tmp/NODEA v7ddmuksafhqdp6k5oa2cv3jr952vbcr0eiinqud6ejjlrhmmk1eg

> polykey@1.0.1-alpha.0 polykey
> ts-node src/bin/polykey.ts "identities" "trust" "--node-path" "tmp/NODEA" "v7ddmuksafhqdp6k5oa2cv3jr952vbcr0eiinqud6ejjlrhmmk1eg"

I can then allow claiming on the other node.

[nix-shell:~/matrixCode/polykey/js-polykey]$ npm run polykey -- identities invite --node-path tmp/NODEB vp2g8p652nq7lu6md9got9011u9ussrulmi8c87lvrgms62df72og

> polykey@1.0.1-alpha.0 polykey
> ts-node src/bin/polykey.ts "identities" "invite" "--node-path" "tmp/NODEB" "vp2g8p652nq7lu6md9got9011u9ussrulmi8c87lvrgms62df72og"

Successfully sent Gestalt Invite notification to Keynode with ID vp2g8p652nq7lu6md9got9011u9ussrulmi8c87lvrgms62df72og

We can now claim the other node.

[nix-shell:~/matrixCode/polykey/js-polykey]$ npm run polykey -- nodes claim --node-path tmp/NODEA v7ddmuksafhqdp6k5oa2cv3jr952vbcr0eiinqud6ejjlrhmmk1eg

> polykey@1.0.1-alpha.0 polykey
> ts-node src/bin/polykey.ts "nodes" "claim" "--node-path" "tmp/NODEA" "v7ddmuksafhqdp6k5oa2cv3jr952vbcr0eiinqud6ejjlrhmmk1eg"

Successfully generated a cryptolink claim on Keynode with ID v7ddmuksafhqdp6k5oa2cv3jr952vbcr0eiinqud6ejjlrhmmk1eg
CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

So the flow is a bit complicated right now:

  1. N2 trusts N1 (can receive notifications from N2)
  2. N1 invites N2
  3. N2 claims N1

However steps 2 and 3 can happen without step 1. Step 1 is only necessary for the user to see the notification on N2. But if it's the same user that controls N1 and N2, they don't really need to see this.

Note that once N1 and N2 are linked, the trust relationship is no longer relevant, since all nodes trust each other within the same gestalt.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

This can lead some improvements for the notifications in the future.

Notifications get dropped by N2 if it doesn't trust N1.

But N1 should indicate whether the notification was successfully sent or dropped due to permission failure.

This allows the user of N1 to resend the notification in the future.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

Can you get the list of all identities and nodes subcommands here so we can compare.

tegefaulkes commented 1 year ago

Nodes commands

  add [options] <nodeId> <host> <port>  Add a Node to the Node Graph
  claim [options] <nodeId>              Claim another Keynode
  find [options] <nodeId>               Attempt to Find a Node
  ping [options] <nodeId>               Ping a Node to check if it's Online
  getall [options]                      Get all Nodes from Node Graph
  connections [options]                 list all active node connections
  help [command]                        display help for command

and identities

  allow [options] <gestaltId> <permissions>         Allow Permission for Identity
  authenticate [options] <providerId> <identityId>  Authenticate a Digital Identity Provider
  authenticated [options]                           Lists all authenticated identities across all providers
  claim [options] <providerId> <identityId>         Claim a Digital Identity for this Keynode
  disallow [options] <gestaltId> <permissions>      Disallow Permission for Identity
  discover [options] <gestaltId>                    Adds a Node or Identity to the Discovery Queue
  get [options] <gestaltId>                         Gets a Gestalt with a Node or Identity ID from the Gestalt
  list [options]                                    List all the Gestalts in the Gestalt Graph
  permissions [options] <gestaltId>                 Gets the Permissions for a Node or Identity
  search [options] [searchTerms...]                 Searches a Provider for any Connected Identities
  trust [options] <gestaltId>                       Trust a Keynode or Identity
  untrust [options] <gestaltId>                     Untrust a Keynode or Identity
  invite [options] <nodeId>                         invite another Keynode
  help [command]                                    display help for command
CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

I'm starting to see that having a separate gestalts subcommands would be useful.

pk nodes add
pk nodes find
pk nodes ping
pk nodes getall
pk nodes connections
pk nodes claim         <- claim only node

pk identities authenticate
pk identities authenticated
pk identities search
pk identities claim    <- claim only identity

pk gestalts discover
pk gestalts get
pk gestalts list
pk gestalts claim      <- claim either identity/node
pk gestalts invite     <- invite node to a gestalt
pk gestalts uninvite   <- uninvite node to a gestalt
pk gestalts permissions
pk gestalts allow
pk gestalts disallow
pk gestalts trust      <- short-hand for allow for trust
pk gestalts untrust    <- short-hand for disallow for trust

There are a few ambiguities here.

  1. The claim subcommands can be referring to node or identity or both.
  2. The invite is like pk vaults share and uninvite is like pk vaults unshare. It's combination of setting a permission AND sending a notification.
  3. The trust and untrust is just a short-hand of allow and disallow

We can sort this out in the future issue.

I think the pk gestalts trust and pk gestalts untrust should be removed, it's a bit wishy washy and the generic allow is sufficient for all the kinds of permissions.