MatrixAI / js-db

Key-Value DB for TypeScript and JavaScript Applications
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Integrating continuous benchmarking from js-logger #47

Closed CMCDragonkai closed 1 year ago

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago


This brings in some synchronisation with js-logger and continuous benchmarking

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ghost commented 1 year ago
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CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

Here are the differences from the previous benchmark. This is run with fixed-cpu-run npm run bench. The top array line is before. The new metrics report is afterwards.

[43375, 24504, 27503, 13785],

db_1KiB_ops{name="get 1 KiB of data"} 48563
db_1KiB_ops{name="put 1 KiB of data"} 39043
db_1KiB_ops{name="put zero data"} 40984
db_1KiB_ops{name="put zero data then del"} 21108

[570, 543, 29963, 13694],

db_1MiB_ops{name="get 1 MiB of data"} 821
db_1MiB_ops{name="put 1 MiB of data"} 638
db_1MiB_ops{name="put zero data"} 41831
db_1MiB_ops{name="put zero data then del"} 20022

The main thing to see here is that puts have become much faster 1.59x faster, while gets are getting back similar to leveldb speeds. Prior leveldb was even using the boosted CPU.

I suspect the biggest speed at this point will be due to usage of native transactions inside rocksdb, however I have not started measuring transactions yet.

Also note that these are unencrypted performance. Encryption is not involved here because it will seriously affect the speed until we move to using native crypto. Further benchmarking can be done with DB plus crypto subsequently.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

@tegefaulkes see benchmark data above.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

Error indicates that js-logger needs to be updated on js-workers first. Otherwise the strict type checking is failing. @emmacasolin

emmacasolin commented 1 year ago

Error indicates that js-logger needs to be updated on js-workers first. Otherwise the strict type checking is failing. @emmacasolin

Just updated js-workers since js-polykey needs efs to be updated and efs needs js-workers, but it's not letting me push up the version tag for v1.3.4 of js-workers

remote: error: GH006: Protected tag update failed for refs/tags/v1.3.4.
remote: error: You're not authorized to create a tag
 ! [remote rejected] v1.3.4 -> v1.3.4 (protected tag hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to ''

As a side-note efs also needs js-db to be updated so I won't be able to proceed until js-logger gets updated here.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

Permissions updated, you should be able to push protected tags to js-logger now.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

1.3.5 of js-workers is being staged.

CMCDragonkai commented 1 year ago

Going to merge now, and do the rest in staging.