MatrixAI / js-encryptedfs

Encrypted Filesystem for TypeScript/JavaScript Applications
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Upgrading to Node 16 and upgrading @matrixai/errors, @matrixai/async-init, and @matrixai/async-locks #65

Closed emmacasolin closed 2 years ago

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago


@matrixai/errors was upgraded to include toJSON and fromJSON to help with error serialisation/deserialisation. This has been updated here (along with other dependencies), along with upgrading to Node 16 to align with other Matrix AI packages.


Final checklist

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

The ErrorEncryptedEFSError has additional properties on top of those from AbstractError, so its toJSON and fromJSON need to be adjusted accordingly. This also involves modifying the constructor, since it didn't take a message parameter.

The constructor is now

  }: {
    errno: {
      errno: number;
      code: string;
      description: string;
    message?: string;
    path?: string;
    dest?: string;
    syscall?: string;
  options: {
    timestamp?: Date;
    data?: POJO;
    cause?: T;
  } = {},
) {
  if (message == null) {
    message = errno.code + ': ' + errno.description;
    if (path != null) {
      message += ', ' + path;
      if (dest != null) message += ' -> ' + dest;
  super(message, options);
  this._errno = errno.errno;
  this._code = errno.code;
  this._description = errno.description;
  this._syscall = syscall;

So if we're reconstructing the error inside fromJSON we can pass in the message property.

And the toJSON/fromJSON are as follows:

public toJSON(): any {
  const json = super.toJSON(); = this._errno; = this._code; = this._description; = this._syscall;
  return json;

public static fromJSON<T extends Class<any>>(
  this: T,
  json: any,
): InstanceType<T> {
  if (
    typeof json !== 'object' ||
    json.type !== ||
    typeof !== 'object' ||
    typeof !== 'string' ||
    isNaN(Date.parse( ||
    typeof !== 'object' ||
    typeof != 'number' ||
    typeof != 'string' ||
    typeof != 'string' ||
    !('cause' in ||
    ('stack' in && typeof !== 'string') ||
    ('_syscall' in && typeof !== 'string')
  ) {
    throw new TypeError(`Cannot decode JSON to ${}`);
  const e = new this({
    errno: {
    timestamp: new Date(,
  e.stack =;
  return e;
CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

I think you need in your fromJSON.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

And _code.

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

Yep, good catch - fixed now

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

There are quite a lot of test failures, I'm assuming because of the upgrade to Node 16. Working through them now.

The first thing was that a lot of the tests were not finishing and not timing out - they would just run forever. I narrowed it down to a while loop in INodeManager.fileGetBlocks where the condition was inodesUtils.unbufferId(k as BufferId) !== blockCount, but if whatever value is returned by unbufferId is larger than blockCount then we enter an infinite loop. Changed the !== to a < to solve this.

I feel like this isn't the issue though, since this is the sort of thing that should have been affecting the tests before Node 16 if it was a problem... I'm also seeing a test failure that suggests another related issue... my current theory is that perhaps lexicographic-integer works differently with Node 16, but I'll have to experiment a bit more

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

I feel like this isn't the issue though, since this is the sort of thing that should have been affecting the tests before Node 16 if it was a problem... I'm also seeing a test failure that suggests another related issue... my current theory is that perhaps lexicographic-integer works differently with Node 16, but I'll have to experiment a bit more

So it appears that unbufferId is returning undefined, so it could indeed be a problem with lexicographic-integer

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

Ok, I think it's actually a problem with the db, or at least with tran.iterator, because the keys coming out of

const options = endIdx
  ? {
      gte: inodesUtils.bufferId(startIdx),
      lt: inodesUtils.bufferId(endIdx),
  : { gte: inodesUtils.bufferId(startIdx) };
let blockCount = startIdx;
for await (const [k, v] of tran.iterator(options, [
])) {

are { type: 'Buffer', data: [] } for every k.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

The tran.iterator shouldn't be giving you back empty buffers. That would be a bug.

The js-db hasn't been updated to nodev16 yet, so I'm not sure why that would occur.

Can you get 2 repos cloned, and compare between the master version and the current PR, and see whether the buffers are empty?

Note that Buffer.toJSON() is not necessary, you can just log out the buffer directly.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

Note that js-db on master has these dependencies:

    "dependencies": {
      "@matrixai/async-init": "^1.7.0",
      "@matrixai/errors": "^1.0.1",
      "@matrixai/logger": "^2.1.0",
      "@matrixai/resources": "^1.0.0",
      "@matrixai/workers": "^1.3.0",
      "@types/abstract-leveldown": "^7.2.0",
      "level": "7.0.1",
      "threads": "^1.6.5"

None of those dependencies should affect that... so maybe there's a bug in js-db when run with node v16. You'll want to branch off in js-db later for investigation if you change to node v16.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

Unrelated, but note that shell.nix should also be changed to this:

{ pkgs ? import ./pkgs.nix {} }:

with pkgs;
pkgs.mkShell {
  nativeBuildInputs = [
  shellHook = ''
    echo 'Entering js-encryptedfs'
    set -o allexport
    . ./.env
    set +o allexport
    set -v

    mkdir --parents "$(pwd)/tmp"

    # Built executables and NPM executables
    export PATH="$(pwd)/dist/bin:$(npm bin):$PATH"

    # Enables npm link
    export npm_config_prefix=~/.npm

    npm install

    set +v
emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

I've tested in a new repo with everything the same except using Node 14 instead of 16, using the old pkgs.nix, and using es2020 instead of es2021 and the Buffers are no longer empty. So there's something going on with one of these changes.

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

I've tested in a new repo with everything the same except using Node 14 instead of 16, using the old pkgs.nix, and using es2020 instead of es2021 and the Buffers are no longer empty. So there's something going on with one of these changes.

It's actually a problem with the pkgs.nix - changing only this causes the issue with the buffers being empty. The old rev (53caacaf56640d04180775aee016d2f16d6f083c) is fine but the new one (a5774e76bb8c3145eac524be62375c937143b80c) is not.

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

I can't seem to replicate the issue inside js-db after upgrading it to node 16. I even tried seeing if adding the options gte and lt made a difference but nothing... the keys are their expected values.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

Ok at this point you should try using the debugger, or you can go into the node_modules inside EFS and add console.log tracing deeper into the stack.

Make sure that EFS is actually using the same version of js-db that you have in the master branch of js-db.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

Additional debugging support can be done by using npm link. This allows you to "link" the js-db implementation to the js-encryptedfs, so that changes in js-db can be immediately reflected in js-encryptedfs.

@tegefaulkes has used this before, you can ask him how to set that up.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

It appears that by upgrading EFS and/or db into nodev16, we end up with an issue where the INodeManager is missing from the key path. This results in some problems in our testing.

Strangely this seems to occur because is empty. Investigating why.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago


class X {
  static g() {
  prop = [];
  f () {

const x = new X();

Works fine inside npm test -- ./tests/random.test.ts.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

Narrowed it down to the CreateDestroyStartStop decorator. It appears in node v16, the decorator ends up making the and into empty strings. This didn't happen in nodev14.

This may be due to node changes, or it may be due to changes in

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

Confirmed it was in js-async-init.

I have released 1.7.3 of js-async-init, please update here accordingly.

The culprit was the that class decorators used anonymous classes, and these do not preserve the name. In fact its correct behaviour was to set the class name to an empty string. See:

Node v16 must have fixed this, and so the fix was to use Object.defineProperty to always set the class name from the extended class.

This landed in

BTW @emmacasolin I noticed that there was some missing changes in the v16 update, so I also ended up updating js-resources, js-async-locks, and js-async-init. Also js-errors got an update too. Please review the commits I made to all the libraries to see what changes were missing.

So I recommend updating ALL libraries again.

Some new changes that js-async-init had in the eslintrc was merged into TypeScript-Demo-Lib

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

@emmacasolin the js-db has to be updated before js-encryptedfs.

You'll need to bring js-db to nodev16 updating all the libraries there, and then come back to this.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

Also js-workers too. So pending updates to v16 is (in-order):

Make sure not to bring in typescript-cached-transpile into those libraries, and shell.nix should be updated.

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

js-logger doesn't have any docs - should I add that in?

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

Also js-async-init is still missing the change to shell.nix and .gitlab-ci.yml and js-async-locks is missing the change to .gitlab-ci.yml.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

Those changes can be done without doing a new release.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

js-logger doesn't have any docs - should I add that in?


emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

A couple test failures I'm currently debugging:

The first one is random, and it's in EncryptedFS.concurrent.test.ts for the test EncryptedFS.copyFile and EncryptedFS.createWriteStream. Here we have a concurrent write stream which writes 'AAAAA' ten times (using a for loop) alongside a copy of the file being written to some other file. The test then checks the contents of the file, which the test expects to either be empty (the copy was done before writing anything) or to contain 10x 'AAAAA' (the copy was done after the write stream ended).

This test fails occasionally with the copied file containing 9x 'AAAAA'. I'm assuming this just means that the copy was made in the middle of the write stream, and that this is expected behaviour (i.e. the test is too rigid)? I've run the failing test around 10-20 times and for the most part the copied file contents is 10x 'AAAAA' (it's never empty).

The second one is in INodeManager.file.test.ts for read sparse blocks from a file and this one occurs every time the test is run. The test expects there to be zeroed blocks in the created file, however these aren't present. I haven't looked into this one too much yet.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

Regarding the second test, @tegefaulkes mentioned he was still debugging that. Sparsity can occur either between blocks or within blocks.

When sparsity is within blocks, it is expected that zero bytes are written to the sparse locations within the block.

When sparsity is between blocks, then no blocks are written, instead the block indexes are completely skipped and when you are reading the blocks, the fileGetBlocks and related functions are supposed to synthetically create zeroed out blocks for missing block indexes.

The above is what should be happening, you may need to use db.dump or tran.dump to inspect the contents to see what is happening. I don't think this area of the code has been adequately tested.

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

The second failure was due to something I had changed while debugging yesterday. The logic here

while (inodesUtils.unbufferId(k as BufferId) !== blockCount) {
  yield Buffer.alloc(blockSize);

Was confusing for two reasons. Firstly because the term on the right of the condition is the one that's changing (usually it would go on the left) and secondly because !== makes it unclear what we expect to happen to blockCount (i.e. how is it changing every time we loop? Increasing? Decreasing?). I had changed the !== to a <, but it should have been the other way around. The condition here is now

while (blockCount < inodesUtils.unbufferId(k as BufferId)) {
  yield Buffer.alloc(blockSize);

Which is both logically correct and easier to understand at a glance.

emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

As for the other failing test, expecting either the copy to be empty or the copy to contain the full stream is too rigid, as it could also be anything in between. It now checks for the contents to be all A, to have a length that is a multiple of 5, and to have a size between 0-50.

// All A, in multiples of 5
// Contents length between 0 and 10*5
emmacasolin commented 2 years ago

All tests passing. Just need to re-generate the docs and then I'll merge and release.

CMCDragonkai commented 2 years ago

That blockCount solution does seem more clearer. Nice.