MatsuriDayo / NekoBoxForAndroid

NekoBox for Android / sing-box / universal proxy toolchain for Android
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Compilation problem #555

Closed janahnovin closed 1 month ago

janahnovin commented 9 months ago

Please upload the libcore.aara file as it cannot be compiled at all. I asked several programmers for help, but they couldn't fix it. There is an ndk error. The environment variables are also set.

janahnovin commented 9 months ago

error :$ ./run lib core

buildScript/lib/ /d/vpn /d/vpn/NekoBoxForAndroid /d/vpn/sing-box-extra /d/vpn /d/vpn/NekoBoxForAndroid HEAD is now at 73bce61 update sing_quic /d/vpn /d/vpn/sing-box-extra /d/vpn/sing-box /d/vpn /d/vpn/sing-box-extra HEAD is now at 7bc4f26 hysteria: add hop port for client /d/vpn /d/vpn/sing-box-extra /d/vpn/sing-quic /d/vpn /d/vpn/sing-box-extra HEAD is now at 0bf1f19 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev' into dev /d/vpn /d/vpn/sing-box-extra /d/vpn/libneko /d/vpn /d/vpn/sing-box-extra HEAD is now at 5277a5b fix for darwin /d/vpn /d/vpn/sing-box-extra /d/vpn/sing-box-extra /d/vpn /d/vpn/NekoBoxForAndroid /d/vpn/NekoBoxForAndroid flag provided but not defined: -cache usage: C:\Users\itrooz\go\bin\gomobile.exe bind [-target android|ios|iossimulator|macos|maccatalyst] [-bootclasspath ] [-classpath ] [-o output] [build flags] [package]

Bind generates language bindings for the package named by the import path, and compiles a library for the named target system.

The -target flag takes either android (the default), or one or more comma-delimited Apple platforms (ios, iossimulator, macos, maccatalyst).

For -target android, the bind command produces an AAR (Android ARchive) file that archives the precompiled Java API stub classes, the compiled shared libraries, and all asset files in the /assets subdirectory under the package directory. The output is named '.aar' by default. This AAR file is commonly used for binary distribution of an Android library project and most Android IDEs support AAR import. For example, in Android Studio (1.2+), an AAR file can be imported using the module import wizard (File > New > New Module > Import .JAR or .AAR package), and setting it as a new dependency (File > Project Structure > Dependencies). This requires 'javac' (version 1.8+) and Android SDK (API level 16 or newer) to build the library for Android. The ANDROID_HOME and ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variables can be used to specify the Android SDK and NDK if they are not in the default locations. Use the -javapkg flag to specify the Java package prefix for the generated classes.

By default, -target=android builds shared libraries for all supported instruction sets (arm, arm64, 386, amd64). A subset of instruction sets can be selected by specifying target type with the architecture name. E.g., -target=android/arm,android/386.

For Apple -target platforms, gomobile must be run on an OS X machine with Xcode installed. The generated Objective-C types can be prefixed with the -prefix flag.

For -target android, the -bootclasspath and -classpath flags are used to control the bootstrap classpath and the classpath for Go wrappers to Java classes.

The -v flag provides verbose output, including the list of packages built.

The build flags -a, -n, -x, -gcflags, -ldflags, -tags, -trimpath, and -work are shared with the build command. For documentation, see 'go help build'.