MatsuriDayo / nekoray

Qt based cross-platform GUI proxy configuration manager (backend: sing-box)
GNU General Public License v3.0
11.21k stars 1.11k forks source link

BUG: Subscription doesn't work on Linux #1259

Closed amirgi73 closed 2 days ago

amirgi73 commented 2 months ago

Describe the problem

Expected behavior: Subscription get pulled succesfully

Actual behavior: subscription won't get pulled/updated

>>>>>>>> Requesting subscription: Sme
SSL Errors: The peer did not present any certificate
<<<<<<<< Requesting subscription Sme error: SSL handshake failed

How to reproduce

appimage/zip/aur version on archlinux/ opensuse Tumbleweed

  1. run the app for first time.
  2. select core singbox/xray
  3. add subscription link and hit update
  4. it won't work


currrent system info: Opensuse Tumbleweed x64 Application version: latest github release

NekoRay runing on: /tmp/.mount_nekoraVPjg4P
Executable "getcap" could not be resolved QSslSocket: cannot resolve EVP_PKEY_base_id QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_get_peer_certificate QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_get_peer_certificate


I've done some research and the problem seems to be an old openssl version. That means that nekoray is built with openssl1.1(?) and it's not compatible with opesnssl3. more information here:

amirgi73 commented 2 months ago

I can confirm that installing libssl-1_1 on Opensuse Tumbleweed resolves the problem.