MatsuriDayo / nekoray

Qt based cross-platform GUI proxy configuration manager (backend: v2ray / sing-box)
GNU General Public License v3.0
11.18k stars 1.1k forks source link

Accessibility Issue for Screen Reader Users #1301

Open aliRahimi1997 opened 1 month ago

aliRahimi1997 commented 1 month ago

Dear nekoray Developer,


I am a blind user of your application and I rely on it for internet access. I wish to bring to your attention an accessibility issue that is affecting my user experience.

The problem arises when using the Tab key to navigate through the elements of the application. Once I reach the added server list, I am unable to navigate back to the main elements and menus of the application, effectively locking me out of access to the key features of the program. The only workaround is to completely exit and restart the application.

This issue can significantly disrupt the experience for blind users as it hinders the smooth flow of working with the application, thereby reducing overall efficiency and effectiveness. I am seeking a solution that would facilitate easier navigation and improved access for myself and other blind users.

I would appreciate it if you could investigate this matter and consider implementing improvements in future versions to enhance the accessibility of the software.

Thank you for your commitment to continuous improvement and for considering the needs of all your users.

Best regards, Ali Rahimi

TheWeirdDev commented 1 week ago

Hi Ali, I have made a pull request on a more active fork of this repository that can be accessed by this link. It disables the Tab key inside the table but still allows navigating the cells using arrow keys.

Hopefully it will be merged and included in the next release.