Closed egg1234 closed 2 years ago
另外补充一个现象,如果把测试url改成 ,就是443端口这种,nekoray在sing-box内核情况下url test就会崩溃
经过测试nekoray 2.1[windows]版使用sing-box内核,所有上面提到的代理协议都稳定支持url test测试,包括http及https方式,测试多次完全没有任何一个代理报告"不可用",都能确定测试出延时值,而且也另外使用了 连接确保url test不只是特定的测试连接有效,测试时并发是1 另外提一下v2ray-core在这个2.1版本进行url test测试(并发是1)会随机出现非常多次的"不可用",基本没有任何一次的url test能够把所有代理测试出延时值,随机总有一些代理显示"不可用", 完全没有使用sing-box内核的url test稳定表现
另外提一下v2ray-core在这个2.1版本进行url test测试(并发是1)会随机出现非常多次的"不可用",基本没有任何一次的url test能够把所有代理测试出延时值,随机总有一些代理显示"不可用", 完全没有使用sing-box内核的url test稳定表现
下面是url test出错的日志(并发是1),测试通过的代理是没有出现在日志的
下面这些代理切换到sing-box内核进行url test是完全没有任何一次出现"不可用"的, 而且使用v2ray-core加hysteria.exe方式也是全部都能正常使用系统代理模式工作
正在启动配置 [VMess] xx_xx_xx_xx V2Ray: 0340b127 Neko: nekoray-2.1-2022-10-22
[2022-10-22 22:18:16] InitCore called . moe.nekoray.pc:bg true [2022-10-22 22:18:16] [Info] [tag=std] nekoray_core grpc server listening at [2022-10-22 22:18:16] [Warning] V2Ray 5.1.0 started [hysteria] [Starting] D:/nekoray2.1/hysteria.exe --no-check -c D:/nekoray2.1/config/temp/custom_cfg_4B2xDgU5ar.tmp [2022-10-22 22:18:27] [Warning] V2Ray 5.1.0 started [2022-10-22 22:18:27] [Warning] app/dispatcher: default route for [] [2022-10-22 22:18:28] [Warning] [257370475] app/dispatcher: taking detour [direct] for [] [2022-10-22 22:18:28] accepted [] [proxy-mapping -> direct] [2022-10-22 22:18:28] [Warning] [257370475] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/freedom: failed to open connection to > common/retry: [app/dns: returning nil for domain] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed [2022-10-22 22:18:28] [Warning] [636693635] app/dispatcher: taking detour [direct] for [] [2022-10-22 22:18:28] accepted [] [proxy-mapping -> direct] [2022-10-22 22:18:28] [Warning] [636693635] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/freedom: failed to open connection to > common/retry: [app/dns: returning nil for domain] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed [2022-10-22 22:18:30] [Warning] [39240489] app/dispatcher: taking detour [direct] for [] [2022-10-22 22:18:30] accepted [] [proxy-mapping -> direct] [2022-10-22 22:18:30] [Warning] [39240489] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/freedom: failed to open connection to > common/retry: [app/dns: returning nil for domain] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed Url test failed: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers 2022-10-22T22:18:27+08:00 [INFO] [config:{Server: Protocol:udp Up: UpMbps:300 Down: DownMbps:300 Retry:0 RetryInterval:0 SOCKS5:{Listen: Timeout:0 DisableUDP:false User: Password:} HTTP:{Listen: Timeout:0 User: Password: Cert: Key:} TUN:{Name: Timeout:0 MTU:0} TCPRelays:[] TCPRelay:{Listen: Remote: Timeout:0} UDPRelays:[] UDPRelay:{Listen: Remote: Timeout:0} TCPTProxy:{Listen: Timeout:0} UDPTProxy:{Listen: Timeout:0} TCPRedirect:{Listen: Timeout:0} ACL: MMDB: Obfs:password Auth:[] AuthString: ALPN:h3 Insecure:false CustomCA: ReceiveWindowConn:0 ReceiveWindow:0 DisableMTUDiscovery:false Resolver: ResolvePreference:}] Client configuration loaded [hysteria] Stopped [[hysteria] xxxx_xxxx] 测试错误: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers [2022-10-22 22:18:31] [Warning] V2Ray 5.1.0 started [2022-10-22 22:18:31] [Warning] app/dispatcher: default route for [] [2022-10-22 22:18:31] [Warning] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/socks: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. dial tcp i/o timeout] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed Url test failed: Get "": io: read/write on closed pipe [2022-10-22 22:18:33] [Warning] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [transport/internet/websocket: failed to dial WebSocket > transport/internet/websocket: failed to dial to (wss:// > app/dns: returning nil for domain] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed [[VLESS] xxxxxxxx] 测试错误: Get "": io: read/write on closed pipe [2022-10-22 22:18:33] [Warning] V2Ray 5.1.0 started [2022-10-22 22:18:33] [Warning] app/dispatcher: default route for [] Url test failed: Get "": io: read/write on closed pipe [2022-10-22 22:18:33] [Warning] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/vmess/outbound: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [transport/internet/websocket: failed to dial WebSocket > transport/internet/websocket: failed to dial to (wss:// > app/dns: returning nil for domain] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed [[VMess] !!!!!!] 测试错误: Get "": io: read/write on closed pipe [hysteria] [Starting] D:/nekoray2.1/hysteria.exe --no-check -c D:/nekoray2.1/config/temp/custom_cfg_qLYr0dvu69.tmp [2022-10-22 22:18:33] [Warning] V2Ray 5.1.0 started [2022-10-22 22:18:33] [Warning] app/dispatcher: default route for [] [2022-10-22 22:18:34] accepted [] [proxy-mapping -> direct] [2022-10-22 22:18:34] [Warning] [1406212084] app/dispatcher: taking detour [direct] for [] [2022-10-22 22:18:34] [Warning] [1406212084] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/freedom: failed to open connection to > common/retry: [app/dns: returning nil for domain] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed [2022-10-22 22:18:34] accepted [] [proxy-mapping -> direct] [2022-10-22 22:18:34] [Warning] [2761649285] app/dispatcher: taking detour [direct] for [] [2022-10-22 22:18:34] [Warning] [2761649285] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/freedom: failed to open connection to > common/retry: [app/dns: returning nil for domain] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed [2022-10-22 22:18:36] accepted [] [proxy-mapping -> direct] [2022-10-22 22:18:36] [Warning] [2695064771] app/dispatcher: taking detour [direct] for [] [2022-10-22 22:18:36] [Warning] [2695064771] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/freedom: failed to open connection to > common/retry: [app/dns: returning nil for domain] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed Url test failed: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers 2022-10-22T22:18:33+08:00 [INFO] [config:{Server: Protocol:udp Up: UpMbps:300 Down: DownMbps:300 Retry:0 RetryInterval:0 SOCKS5:{Listen: Timeout:0 DisableUDP:false User: Password:} HTTP:{Listen: Timeout:0 User: Password: Cert: Key:} TUN:{Name: Timeout:0 MTU:0} TCPRelays:[] TCPRelay:{Listen: Remote: Timeout:0} UDPRelays:[] UDPRelay:{Listen: Remote: Timeout:0} TCPTProxy:{Listen: Timeout:0} UDPTProxy:{Listen: Timeout:0} TCPRedirect:{Listen: Timeout:0} ACL: MMDB: Obfs:password Auth:[] AuthString: ALPN:h3 Insecure:false CustomCA: ReceiveWindowConn:0 ReceiveWindow:0 DisableMTUDiscovery:false Resolver: ResolvePreference:}] Client configuration loaded [hysteria] Stopped [[hysteria] xx_xx_xx] 测试错误: Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers [2022-10-22 22:18:37] [Warning] V2Ray 5.1.0 started [2022-10-22 22:18:37] [Warning] app/dispatcher: default route for [] [2022-10-22 22:18:37] [Warning] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/socks: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. dial tcp i/o timeout] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed [2022-10-22 22:18:38] [Warning] V2Ray 5.1.0 started [2022-10-22 22:18:38] [Warning] app/dispatcher: default route for []
nekoray 2.0[windows]版使用sing-box内核,里面有几个代理,hysteria、vmess、vless over websocket over TLS、socsk5协议都有,然后tcp ping除了hysteria协议显示“不可用”外,其它服务器都正常测出延时数值,由于hysteria协议是udp端口,tcp ping不可用是可以理解的,但是当使用url test测试时,所有的代理都显示“不可用”
另外基本设置里面的测试url就是系统缺省的,而且把并发改成 1 了,理论上url测试不会那么短的等待超时吧,关键是这些代理都可以在sing-box内核模式下正常做系统代理或VPN模式,而且这些tcp属性的代理在v2rayN上测试真连接延时也不是很大,大概就是300-400ms的范围
想请教是什么可能的原因导致url test测试都显示“不可用”?
2022/10/20 10:16:08 nekobox_core grpc server listening at INFO[0000] router: loaded geoip database: 250 codes INFO[0000] router: loaded geosite database: 1288 codes INFO[0000] router: updated default interface 以太网, index 10 INFO[0000] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: tcp server started at INFO[0000] v2ray-api: grpc server started at INFO[0000] sing-box started (0.66s) INFO[0000] router: loaded geoip database: 250 codes INFO[0000] router: loaded geosite database: 1288 codes INFO[0000] router: updated default interface 以太网, index 10 [[hysteria] xxx_hysteria] 测试错误: start service: start v2ray api server: listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. INFO[0000] router: loaded geoip database: 250 codes INFO[0000] router: loaded geosite database: 1288 codes INFO[0000] router: updated default interface 以太网, index 10 [[VLESS] xxx_xxx] 测试错误: start service: start v2ray api server: listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. INFO[0000] router: loaded geoip database: 250 codes INFO[0000] router: loaded geosite database: 1288 codes INFO[0000] router: updated default interface 以太网, index 10 [[VMess] xxx_vmess] 测试错误: start service: start v2ray api server: listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. INFO[0000] router: loaded geoip database: 250 codes INFO[0000] router: loaded geosite database: 1288 codes INFO[0000] router: updated default interface 以太网, index 10 [[hysteria] xxx_xxx] 测试错误: start service: start v2ray api server: listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. INFO[0000] router: loaded geoip database: 250 codes INFO[0000] router: loaded geosite database: 1288 codes INFO[0000] router: updated default interface 以太网, index 10 [[Socks] xxx_xxx] 测试错误: start service: start v2ray api server: listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.