As a User, I would like to be able to login to my account, so that I can access the advantages of having an account
Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance Criteria 1
Given that I am a registered user
When I navigate to the login page
Then I can enter my details to login to my account
Acceptance Criteria 2
Given that I am a registered user
When I navigate to the login page and enter my details
And, I click login
Then I am logged into my account and I am able to see a visual confirmation that I am now logged in
Acceptance Criteria 3
Given that I am a registered user
And, I try to log in to my account
When I enter the wrong information
Then the site informs me that the information was incorrect and prevents my logging in
[x] Task 1 – Develop a link to a login page
[x] Task 2 – Develop a login form for users to confirm their log in details
[x] Task 3 – Develop form validation to ensure the data is entered correctly
[x] Task 4 – Develop a method to validate the data entered matches a user account
[x] Task 5 – Develop a redirect so unlogged in users are redirected to the login page when trying to access pages that require the user to be logged in.
As a User, I would like to be able to login to my account, so that I can access the advantages of having an account
Acceptance Criteria
Epic: #4