As a User, I would like to be able to adjust quantity of items in my cart, so that I can only proceed with the correct amount of products that I want to buy
Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance Criteria 1
Given That I am a User
And, I have added products to my cart
When I view the cart
Then I can adjust the quantity of each item individually
Acceptance Criteria 2
Given That I am a User
When I view the items in my cart
Then I have the ability to remove an item completely.
[x] Task 1 – Develop the ability to adjust the item quantity within the shopping cart
[x] Task 2 – Develop the ability to remove items from the shopping cart
As a User, I would like to be able to adjust quantity of items in my cart, so that I can only proceed with the correct amount of products that I want to buy
Acceptance Criteria
Epic: #9