MattDMo / PythonImproved

The best Python language definition for Sublime Text - ever. Includes full support for Unicode, as well as both Python 2 and Python 3 syntax. Check out the Neon Color Scheme for highlighting.
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"del" is not highlighted as a keyword #42

Closed dactylo closed 9 years ago

dactylo commented 9 years ago

It's still a keyword in Python 3, right?

MattDMo commented 9 years ago
# Python 3.4.3
In [10]: import keyword

In [11]: from pprint import pprint as pp

In [12]: pp(keyword.kwlist)

You are correct. Currently, del is scoped as support.function.builtin.python, but it is not a builtin. I'm preparing some other changes for the next release, so I'll update this as well. Thanks for the heads up!

cknv commented 9 years ago

I think it was fixed already in It just remains to be released.

MattDMo commented 9 years ago

Yes, I found that after I wrote the last message. It's in the unicode branch, which I'll be merging with master when I'm done testing it. Thanks!

cknv commented 9 years ago

I think it's already in the master branch. I found the commit in the history on master :)

It seems to have hit master just before the unicode branch was made.

MattDMo commented 9 years ago

@cknv apparently you know my codebase better than I do :)

MattDMo commented 9 years ago

This has been fixed in the unicode branch, and will be released in the upcoming version 2.0.