MattHodge / Graphite-PowerShell-Functions

A group of PowerShell functions that allow you to send Windows Performance counters to a Graphite Server, all configurable from a simple XML file.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dynamic lists on SQL metrics. #44

Closed kasperbrandenburg closed 9 years ago

kasperbrandenburg commented 9 years ago


Would it be possible to change the SQLMetric collection to multiple rows in the resultset. E.g. grabbing multiple performance counters from dm_os_performance_counters and also generating the Graphite metric based on SQL resultset instead of having it hardcoded in the configXML

SELECT GETDATE() AS LogDate , object_name AS object_name , CASE instance_name WHEN '' THEN '_Total' ELSE instance_name END AS instance_name , counter_name AS counter_name , cntr_value AS cntr_value FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WITH (NOLOCK)

                # Run the SQL Command
                    $commandMeasurement = Measure-Command -Expression {
                        $sqlresult = Invoke-SQLCmd @sqlCmdParams

                        # Build the MetricPath that will be used to send the metric to Graphite
                        $metricPath = $Config.MSSQLMetricPath + '.' + $query.MetricName

                        $metricsToSend[$metricPath] = $sqlresult[0]
kasperbrandenburg commented 9 years ago

I created a pull-request for this :)