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Argo Workflows - Proven Patterns from Production #36

Open utterances-bot opened 9 months ago

utterances-bot commented 9 months ago

Argo Workflows - Proven Patterns from Production

Discover hard-earned insights on leveraging Argo Workflows for infrastructure automation. This guide outlines essential lessons, from managing workflow TTL and pod garbage collection to running synthetic tests with CronWorkflow. Plus, explore advanced patterns to optimize your workflows, including Parameter Output Facade, Semaphore, and Workflow Injection techniques. Arm yourself with these best practices to avoid common pitfalls and save yourself some pain.

static-moonlight commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the article. I have a question though. With archiveLogs enabled, I noticed, that the logs even survive the artifact garbage collection and remain in the artifact repository. This is kind-of ok for failed workflows. But for successful workflows?! I don't see the point to keep those logs. Keep in mind: in my case, I will run like a dozen (small) workflows every few minutes. That would add up to thousands of log files in the artifact repository.

How do you handle that?