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SGTMAJ/F sorted before officer ranks #27

Closed assaultboy closed 9 years ago

assaultboy commented 9 years ago

On the roster Sam Maunder is listed before even the officers. It is my understanding that the roster is listed from highest ranking to lowest.

I believe SGTMAJ/F is a lower rank than any officer rank thus Sam should be below the officers.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Already known, but thanks!

SamuelMaunder commented 9 years ago

I see no problem with this...

Assign Self Close as "Non-fix"

jonpas commented 9 years ago

It's not a priority, let the lemmings know who is the boss around them (grooming standards, yay!). :grin:

assaultboy commented 9 years ago

Oh god. Don't encourage Sam.

codethirteen commented 9 years ago

I'm not around the database right now, but the file is sorting the table like so:

ORDER BY Member_SUB_Rank.RankOrder DESC

So it appears we can change the SGTMAJ/F RankOrder in the database and it will rectify this issue.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Yep, changed it to level 9 (same as other 2 SGTMAJ ranks are) and it fixed it. Does it matter on which position it is on ranks page though? As that just moved it downwards, easy fix is we just change level to something like 9.1 (as we did for Airman ranks) as going to 10 and up moves it to position 1.0, freaking weird.

codethirteen commented 9 years ago

Yeah the order is correct, but we need to add 9.1 to make it appear at the top of all SGTMAJs.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Done, but of course the website gets the location of it through the RankOrder, so instead of duplicating the images I made symbolic links, I'll do the same for anything else duplicate I find.

@Karnax1507 is no longer the boss. Sorry mate!

ghost commented 9 years ago

This fix has changed Sam's rank picture. Before he had three stars in his picture, now he has one. I believe that the rank order in the database corresponds to the picture.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Yep, I thought it was not the same! I'll fix it when I get home. But yes, RankOrder in database corresponds to picture name as you said.

jonpas commented 9 years ago


SamuelMaunder commented 9 years ago


jonpas commented 9 years ago

You know that no rank can oppose me. ;)

MattLightfoot commented 9 years ago


jonpas commented 9 years ago

We all know you don't want a proof. :grin:

SamuelMaunder commented 9 years ago

jj logo

JJ put this on the USEC Homepage

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Don't make me sue you for using my custom made images in anything not made by me!

ghost commented 9 years ago

Thanks JJ, we all now know the officer corps is superior :D