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Squad Leader tag below name on unit roster #28

Closed assaultboy closed 9 years ago

assaultboy commented 9 years ago

The squad leader tag on the unit roster page is below the holders name.

This conflicts with the alignment of every other tag which is to the right of the holders name. I'm assuming this is not intended, but if it is I recommend changing it to fit with the styling of the other tags.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Can you supply a screenshot of how it conflicts with the alignment?

assaultboy commented 9 years ago

Not home right now, I'll take one when I get home.

It's also not "broken" it's just different from every other tag

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Yep I know, hence why I labeled it with enhancement. ;)

assaultboy commented 9 years ago

Here are some examples. Notcie how the tag is below Vuk's name image

But in these pictures the tags are to the right of the name image image image

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Yep that's exactly due to Squad Leader position being from old system, title next to the name is as well, but Squad 2IC is from new system (as much as I know). I do believe having Squad Leader below name makes it look better though, can differentiate with everyone else easier.

codethirteen commented 9 years ago

Fixed in dev. This will be pushed in the next update. As an aside, if we assign classes to everything where possible, rather than hardcoding in linebreaks, etc., we can more easily fix this with pure CSS and then we don't have to worry about old/new systems.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

I suggest to revert this, 2 reasons:

I think we should instead look into moving Squad 2IC below name as well, again we come to Squad Leader title using old system and Squad 2IC the new one though.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

@codethirteen bump (read above comment)

codethirteen commented 9 years ago

Sure we can revert this, it was just a <br> tag.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

If you agree, yes, I am not trying to be dictator here. :grin:

codethirteen commented 9 years ago

Thinking about it, it will be better to not put a <br> tag back in, but to give it a CSS class instead. If we do that with the old and the new tag systems we can style both much easier, and you can use CSS to target ::before to add the <br> if we want it. Much easier to maintain...

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Yep I agree!

Also, one line code is written in markdown like:


codethirteen commented 9 years ago

Yeah I wrote that on my phone. Funny thing now I edited it from desktop browser it still looks screwed up.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Heh weird!

codethirteen commented 9 years ago

What differences are there in the old and new systems? I'm wondering how hard it would be to make them all part of the same system. This is yet more spaghetti we have to untangle!

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Not sure, I haven't looked into it any more.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

This has been done in 2015.05 update.