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Exam Issues: Land Operations Exam #9

Open assaultboy opened 9 years ago

assaultboy commented 9 years ago

Question 2

What is the effective range of the MX 6.5mm firearm?

  • [ ] The question should be updated to reflect our switch to the M16 platform


:white_check_mark: Questions 4,5

What is the following formation?

  • [x] The image should probably be moved below the text for neatness.

image image

Question 10

What is an admin move?

  • [ ] Both answers A & B are very similar and as far as I know both answers are correct. Though this might be my lack of studying for the exams.


Question 21

What is bounding overwatch? Note: This definition is absent from MANLO V2.2. The correct answer is B.

  • [ ] Add the definition to the MANLO or find a solution that doesn't involve just giving the answer.


:white_check_mark: Question 23

What is this unit?

  • [x] Move the picture under the text for neatness
  • [x] Update the gear to reflect the integration of RHS (I'm willing to do this if needed)


:white_check_mark: Question 24

What is this unit?

  • [x] Move the picture under the text for neatness
  • [x] Update the gear to reflect the integration of RHS (I'm willing to do this if needed)
  • [x] Change answer "A" to "USEC Crewman"


:white_check_mark: Question 25

What is this Unit?

  • [x] Move the picture under the text for neatness
  • [x] Update the gear to reflect the integration of RHS (I'm willing to do this if needed)
  • [x] Change answer "A" to "USEC Rifleman"
  • [x] Change answer "D" to "USEC Crewman"


jonpas commented 9 years ago

Fixed some, marked with :white_check_mark: please verify.

Next time you can use the following for easier marking (except headers):

- [ ] Text

assaultboy commented 9 years ago

All changes were good. The pictures are below the text and the unit ID questions are fixed.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Also good job on finding all this! :grinning:

ghost commented 9 years ago

Ohh, wow. Those loadouts were retired well over a year ago!

Omnirock commented 9 years ago

I just uploaded a few updated photos.

Might consider renaming Machinegunner to Autorifleman to be more accurate as well.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

If we rename it we have to rename it everywhere, it's better to have it unified than slightly wrong IMO.

Also, I strongly suggest to upload photos to Dropbox or something and link them here. They are way too big and if we store images on Git we'll reach 1 GB limit for repository in no time. Git is not meant to store binary files.

Omnirock commented 9 years ago

alright. didn't realize there was a limit, my bad.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

No issues, that's why I am here. May as well call me SGTMAJ of the USEC GitHub. :grin:

Omnirock commented 9 years ago

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Updated with the images @Omnirock posted, thanks!