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PDF support #1

Open jasonrdsouza opened 4 years ago

jasonrdsouza commented 4 years ago

It would be cool if we could submit links to PDF's, and get a "reader" view similar to what happens for regular HTML webpages right now. Existing Milton-esque tools like Pocket don't support this use case for PDFs, which is especially frustrating on mobile/ small screens, where reading PDF's often require lots of side to side scrolling.

There are various open source libraries, of which Mozilla's PDF.js seems like the most promising, but Apache Tika is also interesting since it supports a lot of formats via a single interface, which would be useful if we wanted to extend this functionality to other formats in the future (Microsoft Word documents come to mind).

For extra credit, it would be even cooler if Milton was smart enough to fetch the paper when given an Arxiv or other paper aggregator link (similar to what it does for HN or Reddit?)