MattX / peroxide

Scheme in Rust
Apache License 2.0
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benchmark #6

Open milahu opened 2 years ago

milahu commented 2 years ago

as expected for such a young project, peroxide is really slow, about 150K times slower than petite-chez

benchmark script from reddit

(define (erato n z primes)
   (define (sieve s)
      (if (or (null? s)                  ; prime
              (< n (* (car s) (car s)))) ; prime!
          (erato (+ n 1) z (append primes (list n)))
          (if (zero? (modulo n (car s))) ; composite
              (erato (+ n 1) z primes)
              (sieve (cdr s)))))

   (if (< n z)
       (sieve primes)

(define (primes<2n n)
  (erato 2 (* n 2) (list)))

; load and time are not implemented in peroxide
(primes<2n 100)
; 25 seconds on peroxide scheme interpreter
;  0.000167 seconds on petite-chez scheme interpreter
; -> peroxide is about 150K times slower than petite-chez

; (load "erato.scm")
; (define a (time (primes<2n 100000)))
; 2.7 seconds on petite-chez scheme interpreter
; 3.2 seconds on racket scheme interpreter
; 6.9 seconds on gambit scheme interpreter
; 48.3 seconds on chicken scheme interpreter
jpellegrini commented 2 years ago

Strange - (primes<2n 100) ran almost instantly on my system (AMD FX-8320E, CPU max MHz 3200.0000)

MattX commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I finally ran this and it does run almost instantly for me too, both in debug and release mode (on an old Macbook).

Interestingly (primes<2n 100000) fails when it reaches maximum recursion depth in append, which is slow and not tail-recursive... I'll look into that

milahu commented 2 years ago

seems an issue with garbage collection

Strange - (primes<2n 100) ran almost instantly on my system

same, when i run only (primes<2n 100) in a "fresh" peroxide interpreter (no history)

(primes<2n 1000) takes about 3 seconds on my old 2x2.4GHz cpu, 2GB free ram second run: also 3 seconds third run: hangs forever

MattX commented 2 years ago

Ah, thanks for the explanation! I can reproduce that.

Definitely a GC problem: if I turn the GC off using --gc-mode off, the run time doesn't increase on subsequent runs.

MattX commented 2 years ago

A few updates:

(primes<2n 100000) now runs successfully, although it takes almost 8 minutes on my machine.

milahu commented 2 years ago

yay : )

 ;; all primes                < 10^3  < 10^4  < 10^5  < 10^6

 ;; interpreter

 ;; petite (chez scheme) 8.4   0 sec   0 sec   2 sec   2 min
 ;; PLT-r5rs (racket) 5.3.6    0 sec   0 sec   2 sec   4 min
 ;; pi (rhizome/pi) 0.57       0 sec   0 sec   2 sec   6 min
 ;; gsi (gambit) 4.7.0         0 sec   0 sec   4 sec  13 min
 ;; csi (chicken)      0 sec   0 sec  10 sec  18 min
 ;; scheme 48 1.9              0 sec   0 sec  10 sec     n/a

 ;; peroxide                                 480 sec

about 150K times slower than petite-chez

so now peroxide is only 240 times slower than petite-chez ; )