Matthew-Hsu / PiPass

Nintendo 3DS Homepass for the Raspberry Pi
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hostapd security issue #33

Closed perryhuynh closed 9 years ago

perryhuynh commented 9 years ago

Version 1.52

After enabling 'hostapd security', any client can still connect to the network

I don't remember with previous versions but I don't remember if it was still supposed to broadcast a network when PiPass was stopped

nagledb commented 9 years ago

It's normal for it to broadcast its SSID, even with hostapd security enabled. But it should prevent clients that aren't on your "3DS Authentication" list from connecting.

I just updated to the latest version and tested it out. With security enabled, I'm not able to have my PC connect to the PiPass attwifi network. Did you try having a client that isn't in the "3DS Authentication" list connect to see if it actually lets it successfully connect?

perryhuynh commented 9 years ago

Yes, I can still connect to it using any computer/device in my house

nagledb commented 9 years ago

Hmm. Maybe @Matthew-Hsu will have some ideas, but in the mean time, a few things I can think of you might check:

Do a force refresh on the settings page. (Maybe it's showing you old settings?)

Try using the "Refresh" option to refresh its settings. (Maybe it didn't actually pick them up yet?)

Try restarting PiPass. (Maybe it's still running an old version of the client and is confused?)

perryhuynh commented 9 years ago

I've tried both, going to SSH into the RPi and check the config files

edit: found the problem, for some reason macaddr_acl was still set to false even though hostapd security was on

Matthew-Hsu commented 9 years ago

I double checked the functionality and it seems to be working correctly for me. Hostapd security will take effect in the next zone and not in the current one, despite refreshing, since writing new values to hostapd.conf only happens at the start of a new zone.

PiPass will stop broadcasting the access point when stopped. Depending on your device, I do know some devices will cache the wireless networks. MacOSX seems to do this, but when using my Android phone, I can see the network disappear shortly after PiPass has stopped.