Matthew-Hsu / PiPass

Nintendo 3DS Homepass for the Raspberry Pi
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Internet Access Is Not Available #43

Closed rickb47285 closed 9 years ago

rickb47285 commented 9 years ago

I purchased the Canakit Starter Kit from your link. Installed the image onto the sd, I am able to access the dashboard. But when I press start my log just repeats

2015-07-04 07:42:46,486 - main - WARNING - Internet access is not available. Trying to reconnect in one minute.

Is there something I missed? lsusb tells me that my adapter is a RT5370.

Matthew-Hsu commented 9 years ago

Just to double check, do you have an Ethernet cable from your router plugged into your RPi? The setup should have an Ethernet cable plugged into your RPi with the WiFi adapter plugged in as well. The WiFi adapter will not be providing your RPi with Internet.

If you have this setup already and still have problems, could you press 'Reset Network' in the PiPass Dashboard and try again? If problems are still happening, could you try pinging a website like in the terminal of your RPi to see if your RPi actually has Internet access?


rickb47285 commented 9 years ago

Yep, that's how I am set up. I have hit Reset Network many times with no luck. Google ping responds with no problem. Thanks for the reply.

Matthew-Hsu commented 9 years ago

That's quite strange. Are you able to ping and

These are Google ran servers that I use for a network connectivity test and I am wondering if there is an issue with pinging those servers.

Which method of installation are you using as well?

rickb47285 commented 9 years ago

I used the image download. I cannot ping those dns servers. And this is for sure the reason this doesn't work. My network is blocking those severs so that my Google Chromecast can access American Netflix, Hulu etc..

Is there any way I can change those servers in the network connectivity test? Thanks again.

Matthew-Hsu commented 9 years ago

Ah, OK. This makes more sense now. I can definitely address this issue and issue a fix that addresses these cases in the future.

In the meantime, if you are comfortable with editing a file, could you do this:

->    nano /opt/PiPass/

Press CTRL + W and find the words: while True

You should be in a section that looks like this:

[#] Determines the network connectivity status of PiPass. def isNetworkConnected(): global isDisconnected while True:

You'll want to change True to False. So it should look like this in the end:

[#] Determines the network connectivity status of PiPass. def isNetworkConnected(): global isDisconnected while False:

This will disable all network connectivity tests.

Matthew-Hsu commented 9 years ago

If it is easier, you can just replace the file in /opt/PiPass/ with this one here:

For the time being, I wouldn't use PiPass Update, but there haven't been any updates since the 1.6 release, so you won't be missing any new features.

rickb47285 commented 9 years ago

I updated that function and everything is working properly now. Thanks again for the quick help.

Matthew-Hsu commented 9 years ago

No worries and sorry for inconvenience. I do want to address this issue better and I was wondering with your current setup, do you also block Open DNS servers as well? For example,

I probably should do a dual approach and use Google and Open DNS, instead of an entire Google approach.


nagledb commented 9 years ago

Maybe use for the ping? (If you can't reach that, you can't load the spreadsheet so it's broken regardless.)

rickb47285 commented 9 years ago

@Matthew-Hsu I do not block OpenDNS, just Google. Thanks again.

Matthew-Hsu commented 9 years ago

@nagledb Yes, I thought about that too. I used IP addresses instead just in case if the DNS server being used was not working correctly. At this point, you would still have Internet access, but just have a non-working DNS server to debug with your router. But, I'm not sure if I need to be this accurate since if the DNS server was not working correctly, PiPass really wouldn't work too.

@rickb47285 I've added OpenDNS to the network connectivity test, so it should work in your case. If it doesn't, feel free to let me know. If you use PiPass Update, you'll receive these changes and any future versions of PiPass will not require you to make the manual code changes each time.