Matthew-Hsu / PiPass

Nintendo 3DS Homepass for the Raspberry Pi
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Updating settings will not work #54

Closed robplease closed 1 month ago

robplease commented 8 years ago

When I try to update the settings on the PiPass dashboard I am brought to

My IP Address/assets/php/settings.php

and it just shows the php file.

I made sure all the files were in the correct location during the installation. I used the manual installation method. I can't tell what there error is here, if it can't find a file or something. I am using Raspian

Corruptinglyneedful commented 8 years ago


There is an issue with pages caching.

robplease commented 8 years ago

It seems to be behaving weridly for me. That's what it does in Chrome, but when I try it in IE11 it takes me to a page that says the Dashboard path isn't correct/not found. Which is weird because I made sure that the file permissions were correct and that it is installed in the correct /var/www/ folder.

timHT commented 8 years ago

I did manual installation (Raspbian) and apache has the default site in /var/www/html and not /var/www. I had to change /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf to use "DocumentRoot /var/www" before things worked.