Matthew-Hsu / PiPass

Nintendo 3DS Homepass for the Raspberry Pi
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Preferences Do Not Save #67

Open brandonhines opened 8 years ago

brandonhines commented 8 years ago

I just installed PiPass on a CanaKit linked from the main page. When I update PiPass DB Key or add my 3DS' MAC address the information does not get saved. I tried saving each field individually and it always resets to the default DB Key and a blank whitelist.

The issue persists after rebooting the hardware.

Any ideas?

nagledb commented 8 years ago

The dashboard sometimes has caching issues. Try doing a shift-refresh, perhaps they're changing and it just isn't showing the change. If that doesn't work...

When you change settings, the website first writes them out to a temp file and then copies them into the correct final place. I recommend that you ssh into the pipass and run the following commands to better see what's happening. (None of the files end in a newline, so I put "echo" after each line so that the output is more readable.)

The MAC addresses are first written here: cat /tmp/mac_accept ; echo And then are copied here: cat /etc/hostapd/mac_accept ; echo

The DB Key and most other settings are first written here: cat /tmp/pipass_config.json ; echo And then are copied here: cat /var/www/assets/json/pipass_config.json ; echo

Do you see your changes in the /tmp files? If so, do you see them in the other files?