Matthew-Hsu / PiPass

Nintendo 3DS Homepass for the Raspberry Pi
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Added check to skip recently visited zones. #8

Closed nagledb closed 9 years ago

nagledb commented 9 years ago

When using the shuffle feature, it's very possible for zones near the end of one pass to show up near the beginning of the next, potentially causing you to hit a zone you visited too recently. This issue is now avoided by tracking the time of the last visit and skipping a zone if it was seen too recently.

If there aren't enough zones to cycle through them all before the minimum 8 hour wait time, then the wait times will be cleared and visits will continue as they had before.

Matthew-Hsu commented 9 years ago

Manually resolved conflict with the master branch because of the bugfix and re-work. Feature has been integrated. Thanks again for another great addition!