Matthew-Hsu / PiPass

Nintendo 3DS Homepass for the Raspberry Pi
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Manual install on Raspberry Pi B3 raspbian stretch #93

Open lemgandi opened 6 years ago

lemgandi commented 6 years ago

Worked out of the box. I used PHP 7 rather than 5 and thought that'd be a trouble, but everything Just Worked. I'm using a Raspberry Pi B 3 running Raspbian 4.9.41-v7 (Stretch Lite) on a 4 gb SD card. I installed Stretch Lite on the card with dd(1) from my linux box. I was able to get onto my wifi network by editing /etc/wpa-supplicant/wpa-supplicant.conf . Once I had her talking to the net, I installed the following packages with apt-get(8):

bridge-utils hostapd p7zip-full php7.0

The other packages in the list were either already installed in Stretch or already in the php7.0 metapackage.

I then unpacked PiPass-master and copied its contents to the appropriate directories in root ( /etc and /opt ). When I rebooted, my 3ds green light came on and the web interface was on port 8080 just as expected. Great job man.

lemgandi commented 6 years ago

I found that the assets/php/pipass_logs.php script was not finding /opt/PipPass/logs/piPass.log. The symptom was that it displayed the "no logs found..." error message. I fiddled with this for a whiles before adopting the Brute Force & Ignorance method of making a hardlink to /opt/PiPass/logs/piPass.log in assets/logs/piPass.log and changing the location referenced in pipass_logs.php. I'm sure there's a better way to do this in /etc/php/7.0/php.ini or /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (or both).

ZL1LAC commented 6 years ago

I updated the auto-installer script to install PHP7 modules instead. Download it if you wish.