MatthewGrant / InsightSupply

A fun project to play with Django Rest Framework and Vuejs
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Create/Add Web crawler or APIs to find news articles #2

Open MatthewGrant opened 5 years ago

MatthewGrant commented 5 years ago

This would be a good starting point for articles curation ( but only 260 chars for content are available through free API or less if article is paywalled. Only past 1 month of articles. We can then go to the article url and scrape contents using ( or build our own....I don't have time for that.

GOAL: Get a list of Articles per category with some "insight"(need to define what this insight sentence) in front of Erin so she can find the key sentence decide to display it on the frontend. Ultimate Goal: Have a computer curate and find the key "insight" sentence with Erin just having to review and confirm or deny.

MatthewGrant commented 5 years ago

resources: newsapi textrank ft-idf sentence extraction infomation extraction