Closed MatthewGrim closed 6 years ago
002 -, and 003 -
While scanning these old studies, it would also be worth fixing the headers of files, and naming conventions. Maybe adding a README for each directory. This might help clarify the meaning of each study better.
Some figures could also use a title to clarify what they're showing.
Most recent commit refers to files in 003. Commit previous to that refers to 002.
I am also using this issue to push commits related to updating/restructuring of the repository and updating/renaming individual files.
All scripts have been tested and the broken scripts have been updated/fixed - closing this issue.
Some of the old scripts replicating Brandhorst figure 3 are broken, I think because there are functions with the same name in general_SPS_functions and DVP_general_SPS_functions. It might be an idea to merge these two files to avoid future problems if this is the case.
This issue should document the necessary refactoring to make sure past studies can still be run with the code as it stands.
This is a low priority issue, but needs to be done at some point.