MatthewHerbst / react-to-print

Print React components in the browser. Supports Chrome, Safari, Firefox and EDGE
MIT License
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Content Overlaps with Footer in Printed Document #721

Closed Aelghani closed 3 hours ago

Aelghani commented 1 month ago

When printing a document using the provided Page component, some content of the page get displayed under the footer in the printed output. This causes the content to overlap with the footer, making it difficult to read and unprofessional.

Expected Behavior: The footer should remain at the bottom of the page without overlapping with any content. The content, should be positioned above the footer, with adequate space to prevent any overlap.

Screenshots: Image 1: Screenshot showing the overlap issue. Screenshot 2024-07-17 124107

Image 2: Screenshot showing the expected position of the footer and content. Screenshot 2024-07-17 123812

i want to display the footer on each page of printing but i can work with showing him in the last page


"use client";

import React, { useRef, useState, useCallback, useEffect } from "react";
import { Loader2, Printer } from "lucide-react";
import ReactToPrint from "react-to-print";

import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
import { convertNumberToFrenchCurrency } from "@/lib/utils";

const Page = () => {
  const printRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
  const onBeforeGetContentResolve = useRef<(() => void) | null>(null); // Initialize with null

  const handleAfterPrint = useCallback(() => {
    console.log("`onAfterPrint` called");
  }, []);

  const handleBeforePrint = useCallback(() => {
    console.log("`onBeforePrint` called");
  }, []);

  const handleOnBeforeGetContent = useCallback(() => {
    console.log("`onBeforeGetContent` called");

    return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
      onBeforeGetContentResolve.current = resolve; // Type assertion
      setTimeout(() => {
        resolve(); // Remove argument
      }, 2000);
  }, [setLoading]);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (onBeforeGetContentResolve.current) {
  }, []); // Remove unnecessary dependency

  const reactToPrintContent = useCallback(() => {
    return printRef.current;
  }, []);

  const reactToPrintTrigger = useCallback(() => {
    return (
        {loading ? (
          <Loader2 className=" animate-spin size-4 mr-2" />
        ) : (
          <Printer className="size-4 mr-2" />
  }, [loading]);

  return (
      {/* <style>
        @media print {
          table tbody tr:nth-of-type(8n){
            page-break-after: always;
      </style> */}
            "@page { size: auto;  margin: 0mm; } @media print { body { -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact; } }"

      <div ref={printRef}>
        {/* <img
          className="hidden top-[50vh] z-[-9] w-[50vw] left-[50%] -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 opacity-[0.1] print:block fixed"
          style={{ pageBreakAfter: "always", counterIncrement: "page" }}
        /> */}

        <table className="w-full" style={{ pageBreakAfter: "always" }}>
          <thead style={{ display: "table-header-group" }}>
              <th className="px-4 py-3">
                <main className="px-3 bg-transparent">
                  <h1 className="text-center text-base font-semibold text-blue-400 mb-6">
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, reprehenderit!

                  <div className="flex flex-col gap-1 mb-5">
                    <div className="flex gap-1">
                      <span className="text-sm text-nowrap text-black font-semibold underline underline-offset-2 tracking-widest">
                        DEVIS N°:{" "}
                      <span className="text-sm font-semibold tracking-tighter no-underline underline-offset-0">
                        Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit

                    <div className="flex gap-1">
                      <span className="text-sm text-nowrap text-black font-semibold underline underline-offset-2 tracking-widest">
                        OBJET :{" "}
                      <span className="text-sm font-semibold tracking-tighter no-underline underline-offset-0">
                        Consectetur non pariatur magni explicabo voluptatem delectus neque blanditiis. Similique, quos neque.
                    <div className="flex gap-1">
                      <span className="text-sm text-nowrap text-black font-semibold underline underline-offset-2 tracking-widest">
                        CLIENT :{" "}
                      <span className="text-sm font-semibold tracking-tighter no-underline underline-offset-0">
                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

                  <table className="border-collapse w-full">
                    <thead className="[&_tr]:border-b">
                      <tr className="border-b bg-[#BDD5ED]">
                        <th className="px-3 py-2 align-middle text-xs font-medium text-nowrap text-center text-black border border-black">
                          Art N°
                        <th className="px-3 py-2 align-middle text-xs font-medium text-nowrap text-center text-black border border-black">
                        <th className="px-3 py-2 align-middle text-xs text-wrap font-medium text-center text-black border border-black">
                          Unité de mesure
                        <th className="px-3 py-2 align-middle text-xs font-medium text-wrap text-center text-black border border-black">
                        <th className="px-3 py-2 align-middle text-xs font-medium text-wrap text-center text-black border border-black">
                          Prix unitaire en DH hors TVA
                        <th className="px-3 py-2 align-middle text-xs font-medium text-wrap text-center text-black border border-black">
                          Prix total en DH hors TVA
                    <tbody className="[&_tr:last-child]:border-0">
                      {[ Array(7)].map((_, i) => {
                        return (
                            <tr key={i} className="border-b border-black">
                              <td className="align-middle text-center text-xs text-black font-medium p-2 border border-black">
                              <td className="align-middle p-2 border border-black">
                                <h3 className="text-base font-bold text-black">
                                  ECRAN TV LED 32 AVEC SUPPORT ET INSTALLATION
                                  <span className="text-sm tracking-wide uppercase font-semibold block text-left text-nowrap underline underline-offset-2">
                                    Marque :&nbsp;
                                    <span className="font-medium text-black inline-block no-underline">
                                  <span className="text-sm tracking-wide uppercase font-semibold block text-left text-nowrap underline underline-offset-2">
                                    Origine :&nbsp;
                                    <span className="font-medium text-black inline-block no-underline">
                                  <span className="text-sm tracking-wide uppercase font-semibold block text-left text-nowrap underline underline-offset-2">
                                    Type :&nbsp;
                                    <span className="font-medium text-black inline-block no-underline">
                                  <span className="text-sm tracking-wide uppercase font-semibold block text-left text-nowrap underline underline-offset-2">
                                    Modèle :&nbsp;
                                    <span className="font-medium text-black inline-block no-underline">
                                  <span className="text-sm tracking-wide uppercase font-semibold block text-left text-nowrap underline underline-offset-2">
                                    Numéro de série :&nbsp;
                                    <span className="font-medium text-black inline-block no-underline">
                                  <span className="text-sm tracking-wide uppercase font-semibold block text-left text-nowrap underline underline-offset-2">
                                    Date d&apos;expiration :&nbsp;
                                    <span className="font-medium text-black inline-block no-underline">
                              <td className="align-middle text-center text-sm text-black font-medium p-2 border border-black">
                              <td className="align-middle text-center text-sm text-black font-medium p-2 border border-black">
                              <td className="align-middle text-center text-sm text-black font-medium p-2 border border-black">
                              <td className="align-middle text-right text-sm text-black font-medium p-2 border border-black">

                      <tr className="border-b bg-white border-black">
                          className="align-middle text-center text-base text-black font-bold p-2 border border-black"
                          MONTANT TOTAL HT
                        <td className="align-middle text-right text-base text-black font-bold p-2 border border-black">
                      <tr className="border-b bg-white border-black">
                          className="align-middle text-center text-base text-black font-bold p-2 border border-black"
                          MONTANT TVA 20%
                        <td className="align-middle text-right text-base text-black font-bold p-2 border border-black">
                      <tr className="border-b bg-white border-black">
                          className="align-middle text-center text-base text-black font-bold p-2 border border-black"
                          MONTANT TOTAL TTC
                        <td className="align-middle text-right text-base text-black font-bold p-2 border border-black">

                  <table className="border-collapse w-full">
                    <tbody className="[&_tr:last-child]:border-0"></tbody>

                  <p className="text-center text-sm font-semibold text-black mt-8">
                    ARRETE LE PRESENT DEVIS A LA SOMME DE : {convertNumberToFrenchCurrency(405960)}
          <tfoot style={{ display: "table-footer-group"}}>
              <td className="hidden print:block ">
                <div className="fixed bottom-0 w-full text-xs font-medium text-black text-center bg-white px-[72px] py-4">
                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magnam labore, quidem quod porro ut sed itaque rem eveniet illum, mollitia maiores, iure sequi. Repellat excepturi delectus hic dolores ea ex numquam quasi sunt accusamus saepe doloremque dicta omnis necessitatibus quaerat dignissimos officiis, distinctio, molestiae voluptas asperiores iste, illum assumenda itaque. Iure assumenda totam officia enim ex, autem quidem aspernatur voluptatem quae earum eum illo quisquam dignissimos, voluptate itaque! Veniam ipsam unde obcaecati ipsa sint, nulla, est rerum quisquam quasi beatae consequuntur odio, nostrum nisi atque reprehenderit officiis fuga exercitationem quam impedit deleniti

export default Page;
MatthewHerbst commented 1 month ago

Hello. You didn't include your CSS so it's hard to fully understand your styles. Instead of posting this code, could you please make a Codesandbox or similar that has it working, that way it's much simpler to debug?

Aelghani commented 1 month ago

Hello. You didn't include your CSS so it's hard to fully understand your styles. Instead of posting this code, could you please make a Codesandbox or similar that has it working, that way it's much simpler to debug?

I am using tailwindCSS for styling, and this the is the codesandbox url

MatthewHerbst commented 2 weeks ago

Apologies for the very delayed response here. I've tried playing with the styles and can't seem to make it work unfortunately, there's a lot going on and I am not very familiar with Tailwind. If you haven't already, asking on StackOverflow is likely to get you many more answers from folks who know Tailwind very well