A list of supervision work that has been submitted, ordered by supervision date/time (earliest supervision first)
A web interface through which to mark supervision work. I'd like to be able to highlight words in the LaTeX document and add comments to the words that I've selected.
Save all the comments I've made on a particular piece of supervision work so they can be reused when marking other students' attempts for the same piece of supervision work
What sort of filter/search features would you consider useful? I was thinking of a single 'search' box that could recognise course names, dates, crsids (perhaps with a special syntax); I also thought of a toggle to initially only show work that hasn't been marked yet, with the option to show everything if needed.
Do we still support supervisors downloading PDFs for manual marking (either in printed form or through another annotation app) and then uploading their marked copy?
In the case of supervisors downloading all outstanding work as a single PDF, would we then want a feature to upload a single PDF with all the marked work (that we'd somehow segment back into individual pieces of work)?
As a supervisor, I want: