MatthewJWhittle / getarc

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layer caching #18

Open MatthewJWhittle opened 3 years ago

MatthewJWhittle commented 3 years ago

It should be possible to cache geojson:

The user could specify a cache path, the geojson would then be stored along with information on the request, date & last edits

The next time the user requests the layer, query_layer could look at the cache path, look for any requests that match the current one and if no updates have been made since - load that instead of downloading the data from the endpoint

query_layer would need to first check the last edit time: getarc:::parse_esri_datetime(details$editingInfo$lastEditDate)

Ultimately, the caching could check for changes on individual features and only update new information, rather than re-requesting the layer. This would be faster & more efficient but complicated to implement