MatthewKuKanich / FindMyFlipper

The FindMy Flipper app turns your FlipperZero into an AirTag or other tracking device, compatible with Apple AirTags and Samsung SmartTag and Tile Trackers. It uses the BLE beacon to broadcast, allowing users to clone existing tags, generate OpenHaystack key pairs for Apple's FindMy network, and customize beacon intervals and transmit power.
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If I use existing AirTag, can I no longer use that AirTag? #23

Closed yodaluca23 closed 3 months ago

yodaluca23 commented 3 months ago

Is there anyway to use this and the original AirTag I get the RAW data from?

MatthewKuKanich commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately not. At least not long term. The keys from your Airtag rotate every 24 hours and the MAC address increments every 15 minutes. This means that the data will mismatch fairly quickly and this can invalidate the older keys (Flipper). This is why removing the battery is required when cloning.