MatthewKuKanich / FindMyFlipper

The FindMy Flipper app turns your FlipperZero into an AirTag or other tracking device, compatible with Apple AirTags and Samsung SmartTag and Tile Trackers. It uses the BLE beacon to broadcast, allowing users to clone existing tags, generate OpenHaystack key pairs for Apple's FindMy network, and customize beacon intervals and transmit power.
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Suggestion: Use several tracking networks in parallell #47

Open runestone74 opened 2 months ago

runestone74 commented 2 months ago

Just as the header, make an option to have several tracking networks with corresponding tag info working in "round-robin-fashion" where they take turns to "ping" the surroundings. Yes, I know, it is unnecessary :)

MatthewKuKanich commented 2 months ago

Just as the header, make an option to have several tracking networks with corresponding tag info working in "round-robin-fashion" where they take turns to "ping" the surroundings. Yes, I know, it is unnecessary :)

Not unnecessary! Maximum coverage is always a good thing. This was actually a feature upon app launch, but I had issues getting them to swap when it is in the background. I can make it do this while the app is open, but that is not the preferred use of the app. I'll be experimenting with threads and see if I can get BLE config to be changed while it's running in the background.