MatthewKuKanich / FindMyFlipper

The FindMy Flipper app turns your FlipperZero into an AirTag or other tracking device, compatible with Apple AirTags and Samsung SmartTag and Tile Trackers. It uses the BLE beacon to broadcast, allowing users to clone existing tags, generate OpenHaystack key pairs for Apple's FindMy network, and customize beacon intervals and transmit power.
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KeyError: 'isodatetime' #79

Open lewilou22 opened 1 week ago

lewilou22 commented 1 week ago

Works within a few days of setup without issues. after a few days and over 400 reports, the code will give this error:

pyprovision is not installed, querying http://localhost:6969 for an anisette server
200: 486 reports received.
0 reports used.
found:   []
missing: ['e8a3fcdbda86']
Reports have been successfully retrieved.
Data has been successfully exported to 'data.json'.
Script encountered an error.
Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\FindMyFlipper\AirTagGeneration\", line 23, in <module>
    df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['isodatetime'])
  File "C:\Users\choco\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\", line 4102, in __getitem__
    indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key)
  File "C:\Users\choco\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexes\", line 417, in get_loc
    raise KeyError(key)
KeyError: 'isodatetime'```
morty29 commented 1 week ago

I have the same problem. It looks like the problem is on the flipper side. The app stops broadcasting 2 days after activation and doesn't want to start again even if you flip the activation switch on and off. What helps to restore the broadcasting is reimporting the same key. After that data appears on the server and map is generated, but obviously starting from the time when key was reimported. Maybe reboot would also help, but I didn't try it. Will try next time I encounter the issue. Also I'll try to post the logs if I'll be able to see anything useful there

MatthewKuKanich commented 1 week ago

I have the same problem. It looks like the problem is on the flipper side. The app stops broadcasting 2 days after activation and doesn't want to start again even if you flip the activation switch on and off. What helps to restore the broadcasting is reimporting the same key. After that data appears on the server and map is generated, but obviously starting from the time when key was reimported.

This is very odd. Especially since there shouldn't be any changes between an imported key and the broadcast key aside from the battery bytes. Maybe the battery updates break it somehow, I'll need to do some testing. Try charging your Flipper to 100% next time it stops broadcasting and see if that fixes it.

morty29 commented 1 week ago

My flipper is now below the charge level that it was when I encountered the issue, and a longer period of time went through and beacon is broadcasting just fine. But one time checking it I saw it stopped and realised that it stopped exactly at the moment I was checking it previously. So my main theory right now is that it works fine, its just me habitually exiting the app with a back button rather than a left nav key without noticing it. And impression of it not reacting for turning on and off was likely from a delay of a round trip through the whole apple infrastructure. I am not OP, but from my side everything looks fine and the problem seem to be between the computer and the chair) So I am fine with closing the issue. I'll reopen it in case I see it again and am sure that it is not me that caused it.