MatthewNobes /

This is my personal portfolio website that I use to showcase and explain my projects. It has been rebuilt with React, using React router for its navigation system and uses GitHub's Rest API to collect project information.
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Update home page content #24

Closed MatthewNobes closed 2 years ago

MatthewNobes commented 2 years ago

Update the homepage contents with more relevant and modern information. Describe a few of the different tools I am confident with and provide a better bio for myself.

MatthewNobes commented 2 years ago

Would be nice to have three separate sections, talking about front-end work, back-end work and testing work. Including future plans of what I want to look at. It would also be nice to have a section talking about data visualisation techniques.

MatthewNobes commented 2 years ago

There should also be a section for explaining my cyber degree and the skills I have picked up here, including how it links to producing better software

MatthewNobes commented 2 years ago

Home page content updated