MatthewPeterKelly / OptimTraj

A trajectory optimization library for Matlab
MIT License
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Naming Discussion: OptimTraj, or something better? #13

Closed MatthewPeterKelly closed 7 years ago

MatthewPeterKelly commented 8 years ago

It seems that the name TrajOpt is already taken by a software package from Pieter Abeel's group at Berkeley.

This library should be renamed. So far the best that I've come up with is OptimTraj, but I'm open to suggestions.

delyle commented 8 years ago

I have a few ideas (from most to least preferred). Don't know if any of these are taken:

MatthewPeterKelly commented 8 years ago

Hi Delyle,

Thanks for the input! I actually updated the name two days ago from TrajOpt to OptimTraj, and forgot to close out this thread.

That being said, I really appreciate the feedback, and I do like your first suggestion: OTSo. I'll leave the thread open for a bit, to see if anyone else wants to weigh in. There are two other software programs called OTSo that I could find, but neither are related to trajectory optimization.
