MatthewRalston / kmerdb

Python bioinformatics CLI for k-mer counts and de Bruijn graphs
Apache License 2.0
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Submit your edits for this evening by 11:30. #24

Open MatthewRalston opened 3 years ago

MatthewRalston commented 3 years ago

We should add MatthewRalston/LocalConfigurations to our developer dependencies. No, seriously.

We spent all day hardly making any modifications to the peerj.latex file, we did rename it and it did eventually get fixed enough to the point where it can stably be built. But it still has the pandoc 2.11.2 (our version) bug with the CLSReferences environment requirement. If we downgrade we might be able to circumvent this temporarily. But we did also get the emacs theme changed today for a different contrast, and we also set our .Rmd files to 'autodetect' and set mode to poly-markdown+r-mode ( I think the answer is (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.Rmd" . poly-markdown+r-mode))) and we have a new shortcut in case we're pissed with RStudio : C + c r. This will evaluate the spa/rmd-render function defined by John Geddes.

We have to take a moment to acknowledge the role that Vitalie Spinu has played in my past success at UD and also what I'll currently be able to do thanks to emacs polymode. And the RStudio developers for making this possible as well. Thank you for the amazing software. I'd say so far it's been about 100% RStudio until today, I encountered some rendering problems, and wanted to switch back to RStudio. But I remember how good their software was and wanted to thank both groups for their work on the interactive R experience...

And then I have to thank Yihui in the first place for KnitR. Really, really cool concept and now the RStudio team has so much to do. I mean how can we not go down the rabbit hole now and thank the R community and then the GNU community. And then I guess I'd also thank the Numpy, Scipy, and SKLearn teams for making the other parts of this project so easy to implement in a short amount of time. And I'd like to also thank a number of previous mentors and a current one who I don't quite get along with.

But anyways yeah I'm gonna go back and work some more and thanks again for everything, goodnight.

Today we learned a lot about the biblatex style I want to implement for a clean citation style, and I'm still thinking about a different style, like the plain citation module.

The two biggest issues at the moment are:

MatthewRalston commented 1 year ago

The pandoc conversion and support for peerj and biorxiv templating behind the Rmd file still is troublesome and mostly faulty. I'd like to rework the Rmd file to generate a properly formatted report, with hidden code blocks, suitable for submission to the biorxiv.