MatthiasDeFre / webrtc-pc-streaming

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what is the quality mean in FrameResultWriter? #1

Open bug45 opened 3 months ago

bug45 commented 3 months ago

Hi, MatthiasDeFre! Thanks for your excellent work! Recently I am doing some research on volumetric video streaming and have some questions. What does the quality mean in the FrameResultWriter struct? When I test the server and client on localhost, the metrics saved by the client show that all qualities are 0 and all estimated bitrates are 0. And I haven't found any code that calculates the quality. The following is the screenshot of recv.csv Screenshot from 2024-05-26 13-51-07

MatthiasDeFre commented 3 months ago

The application uses the MDC-based approach described in the corresponding paper. The quality metric comes down to which combination of descriptions is chosen. However, the quality is only available on the server as they select what descriptions need to be send to each client. The same is done for the estimated bandwidth, the application makes use of Google Congestion Control (GCC) together with TWCC feeback messages which perform bandwidth estimation at the server side. However; I think in the current version on Github the quality metric doesn’t get set either.